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Everything posted by corboblanc

  1. sometimes wear just because they too saw the naked girl ..... 1000 times no longer has much interest!
  2. I have many videos to share but after downloaded MediaFire assets, video playback is accelerated! I do not understand the problem? if anyone had any advice? thank you
  3. I repeat myself, but it looks like the preparations for a gogo dancer! watch her ​​dancing is typical!
  4. for fans of the genre only!! (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  5. you will have it today! angela has not washed and undressed off camera! strange for a girl who looks to be gogo dancer! (The Image link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  6. yes, it looks like him, but the man is not paul. it would be a stroke of luck anyway
  7. How about we wait until the ice melts. Siberians can walk around naked; but I'm a desert squirrel. Too damn cold for me! you have found a better solution than me!! with more patience!
  8. watch naked is good, but it is not the sole purpose of RLC. My criticism is that their daily life is no ... no friends, no party with friends, no active life, always the same hobby (TV and telephone) ... Isabel is a good lay, but his daily life is that of a woman without a job with very little friend, interest-free short ....
  9. yes, thank you for the info, that I check my email once a year! This means perhaps say a new apartment RLC
  10. you're right, this is the problem of fatigue strength of a watch do nothing all day .... their daily has no surprises, even when they receive a friend, they are bored ... . I think to accept RLC must be adrift with a very monotonous life ... only young couples or people in trouble accepting the concept rlc. that means that their daily look is boring, because apart the TV, computer and phone, nothing happens. when we saw 50 times the naked girl, it goes ...
  11. I agree, but changing or showering, my home is every day! Patience ....
  12. yet, not naked!! will she take a shower one day, so that we can finally close my eyes??
  13. Me, I like it because it listened to the clip "chill out, land of beauty" .... so we have common tastes!! ~Chill Out Land of Beauty~
  14. lora and showering regularly, which is not the case of the sister alina, which should begin to feel the dead fox!!
  15. One thing is certain is that leora is playful, she opened a facebook so that we can communicate with her, she also gives us clues about the place where she is .... she wants to know what his voyeurs think of it ... I think creating his facebook is great, because we can talk to him, create interaction, which lacked the concept ....
  16. beautiful capture and nice montage! can not do better with the quality of the video .... a new professional on CC who promise us beautiful capures!
  17. me, what I saw tonight is that paul try sex, but leora told him "niet"! then she pissed him talking and crying ..... paul is not always be blamed for lack of sex
  18. Me, I have the solution to all our research!! it is sufficient that one of us travel to Krasnoyarsk with a bullhorn, then it sounds from the restaurant while listening to CC member RLC and guide through the noise to the apartment leora!! there he was a volunteer?!
  19. the first picture is before the "coffee provence" (Прованс, кафе) to Krasnoyarsk in Siberia
  20. the first picture is before the "coffee provence" (Прованс, кафе) to Krasnoyarsk in Siberia
  21. bravo for the discovery! it has many Turkish friends, and at night she often slept with the window open because the curtains move all the time. I begin to doubt its location in russia ....
  22. Only one sure way to find out the real colour and that likely none of us will ever find out with this girl unless someone catches her in the shower then will know as long as she don't shave the bush. to film in the shower, it should first of all it is less angry with the toilet!! somebody he already saw body wash??
  23. Hell, it's their body, not mine! great quote! me who beat me that my son does not come too tattoo because it is fashionable in France ... it has to be well thought out, that it corresponds to something ......
  24. nastya is beautiful, but in comparison with the thousands of atomic bombs that account russia, it's just normal ... which gives it the charm is that RLC allows us to know it in its daily and privacy RLC ... no, it would be any, a charming girl, no more! even me, I confessed that I was attached nastya, the force of the watch ....
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