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Everything posted by ur10intung69

  1. Like cable porn. Belly to belly, skin to skin, whole lotta humping, nothing going in.
  2. If you look really, really close at last night's session, you will see Nila's tongue in action. Watch cam 7. Of course you're gonna see Nina & Kira licking and fucking each other.
  3. I don't know if it's been asked yet, but can anybody tell me why there was a skip from 03:35 to 03:55 at B4 living room cam 1-4 between Mr. and Ms. Malina? Also, another beer pong birthday party?
  4. They have been like that from beginning of B4. My thinking is, this was a rush install. They just put 2 cams in each 3rd floor room, without thought of position. I have tried to get RLC to know what they did and to please re-adjust the cams to our advantage. They won't answer, naturally. We are paying for it, you know
  5. In my opinion, "Marta" should cut down on the Botox. Her lips are pumped up entirely too much, borderline explosive.
  6. Any ideas on when the balcony cam comes out of UM? It's been like that for a few months. Is RLC even aware of that?
  7. Sorry, pal. I am not trying to be disrespectful or trying to start something. I have my opinions, he has his. Neither of us attacked anyone. It's a free world. If you wanna take this "out of context", thats your right. Read my post again. It says, "Let's NOT get into it", to keep from argument. In your last paragraph, you are wrong again. Bear has the right to his opinion, same as me. I would never deny anyone their opinion. This was a convo between me and Bear. YOU, SIR, ARE BUTTING IN.
  8. Here we go. Do you what IMO means? In My Opinion, got it? What that means is, that is my opinion, nothing more. Let's not get into it. Fair enuf?
  9. Go to Archives. look for Shower, Edda & Alan.
  10. WTF? Alan is a bonafide, immature jerk. Only thing he has going for him, IMO, is a big dick.
  11. If I remember right,when Edda and Joe had their apartment, she gave Alan a blowjob in the shower. Check archives.
  12. Anybody wanna guess how much longer before he hits on the other girls, or he gets run out of the house permanently? IMO, he's gonna stay as long as Candy keeps fucking him. If she crosses her legs and tells him to get the fuck out, would he?
  13. It's been 2 days like that, at least. I can forget about RLC getting their shit together. They're 0-5000+, as it is.
  14. Thanks for saying that. It is soooooooooooooooo rude and disrespectful.
  15. WWE fans, Take a good look at Nila's face. Which Diva does she resemble? I suggest Charlotte Flair.
  16. I can't get a good look. My eyes won't leave the puffy panties alone...............lol Any speculation about who will move into Blair's room?
  17. I must be slow, but I just noticed Naomi''s right forearm. When did she get the ink?
  18. nath75 is my hero. I've been looking for this vid since watching the foreplay in LR. Thank you, my new best friend.
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