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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Lmao -- thas so funny bonnie. Glad they turn you on. We guys get turned on by them too haha. Got a feeling new girl will be past girl all you know.
  2. kind of a part-time gf cause she works alot. She like people or couldnt work in the health -- care profession. I couldnt do it seeing people hurt -- it would bother me bad. Im a wuss in that way. I like this site. Will say hi from you bonnie. -- Im anxious bout new girl coming.
  3. Im ready to see the girls come back -- miss Rita too. Elisa is a hoot, funny and sexy -- i hope the best for all them. Maybe a party before they leave hmmm??
  4. Yea possibly so Bonnie. Wow you watch this closer than me lol. Not seen Rita at all since morning. ---- No im glad im not in my 60's -- not quite ready for that. No my girlfriend has never posted . She gets a kick out of the site .....loves it when she's not working. She's a physical therapist, and works long hours. I post jus for fun. My girlfriend has nothing except Facebook.
  5. i tried but cant get it -- will try again lol. -- It's really me, but a year old pic i have on my passport. Thanks for the compliment tho. Im still 24 and getting older day by day lol. Has anyone seen the girls come back , or Rita come home??
  6. She has been trying to get an extension, but since shes packing stuff -- doesnt look like it has worked out tho. I love her but someone just as nice and hot will come in. Will be hard to top Elisa tho haha.
  7. Lol thanks buddy. That pic is a year old so im a year uglier haha. Guess im dumb for posting it -- but damn i got nothing to hide -- im no important person that has to be afraid to be seen. Hope i didnt violate rules tho.
  8. I may actually use my real pic IF it's allowed lol. I don't have a thing to hide or worry about. If someone knows me on here .... no damn problem lol.
  9. My girlfriend is on it as we speak. She or I will figure it out. She has to go to work in a few, but I got plenty of time. I agree we shouldn't post it on forum .... my bad. PM is always the best.
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