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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Her and Vika both bought those kind of shorts -- different colors tho. # Hey Eagle ive bashed Vika before and im sorry for it. She's jus a litttle too loud and pushy, but i have said things in a bad way about her and im sorry -- dont feel too bad buddy we all say things we wish we hadnt.
  2. Elisa went on a shopping spree it looks like. She's modeling for Vika now -- She's so damn funny and REAL -- not fake at all -- nice to everyone even when they haven't always been nice to her.
  3. Dont wanna bash herr, because she's nice. She jus tries too hard to be a part of things the same as the other two.
  4. I know i really do my friend. I jus like her alot and wish her the best ... she deserves it too, but i will miss her always smiling, laughing, and just being her natural sexy-self. --- Im anxious for the next one too.
  5. Yea it's all jus speculations tho. She may be anywhere -- never know for sure do we? --Uless you speak Russian?
  6. Usually after they do yoga -- they have sex too -- see there's always light at the end of the tunnel lol. --- Or we can watch N&B room for almost daily sex.
  7. Gonna be a parade and everything with a car shaped like a banana leading the parade too -- so watch and you may see it on CNN or some channel on TV hahaha!!!!!
  8. Omg i knew that was coming!!!!! I hardly doubt it. We hear that tho everytime someone is about to leave.
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