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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Im very glad she's back. Hope this is a new and better start for the apartment. Just saw her pic -- she is hot for sure. The future is bright i think!!!
  2. Welcome back Irma -- ive never seen you before, but im anxious to meet you. ---- I hear nothing, but good things!!!!!
  3. Thanks for that comment Thes. I agree Thes --- she is probably still there somewhere close by to watch her project. I wish i had known here as much as you all did. As far as Rita goes -- she's the cream of the crop -- it just took her a little longer to warm up to the cams and be more comfortable with showing her body.I love her almost as much as my girl Elisa. ## Again when i say my girl -- i mean my very favorite, and i dont think anyone can top her, but im no expert on this Site. I love all these girls.
  4. That applies anywhere nowadays -- as far as money goes. My point was until tonight Rita had not drank much in the apartment. She may have drank like a fish outside the apartment, but we dont know. I wasn't arguing about Rita's drinking at all. Once Elisa got to the apartment ..... she had reasons to drink. She missed her boyfriend, and the strain of having to live with other girls who are different. I love Rita -- i have NO complaints about her. She's a true princess. ## Im not upset at you Harley -- i was jus trying to explain what i meant.
  5. Harley im talking about since she's been back this time. I never knew her before she came back this last time. It's fine that she or anyone drinks evesryday -- i was only talking about since she's been back. She tho has every reason to drink now -- more than just for fun. Elisa was a doll. She drank for fun and the enjoyment of it. I have no clue about Anna, Irma, or any of those people, and how much they partied. As far as Rita is -- she hasn't partied hardly at all since she came back, unless she did it somewhere besides the apartment. She sure hasn't drank much at all since she's been back to Barcelona. If she has -- it's been at other places -- other than the apartment, and thats possible. As far as the city of Barcelona goes -- my sister, and a good friend have lived there and it's not even close to being as wild as it's reputation. In fact the laws there are as strict or stricter than in the USA. # # As far as Rita goes -- i think she has ALWAYS showed plenty. The definition of plenty for Rita is: whatever she wants to show -- no more and no less.
  6. I guess i didnt know Harley. She didnt drink that much -- just more than she normally does is all. I was glad to see her having so much fun tho. It was just different to see.
  7. Dang right Jabbath lol. Her poor boyfriend lol. If her mouth ever melted down -- the earth would be gone hahaha!!!
  8. I see why Her boyfriend has the problems he has. I feel sorry for him. She never shuts her mouth. Her mouth could generate enuf power for Russia.
  9. Major -- Vika is giving me a major head ache lol. Damn -- never known anyone to run their mouth like her. I think she only put them on to model for Rita. I see why Rita is starting to have more drinks than normal -- id have to do the same.
  10. Im not really believing what im seeing from The hottest girl on RLC since my baby left. She deserves to relax and unwind tho.
  11. I could be wrong but i think Rita is feeling no pain -- she actually seems a little drunk. That's different for her.
  12. Well thx StnCld -- hate to be mean but i will be one "happy camper. "--- I try to really like her, but all i can do is tolerate her till she leaves.
  13. My memory is bad, but when is Vika leaving? Tell me soon lol. Poor Rita gonna be Vikas sounding board for awhile.
  14. I guess they want to give us something to talk about. We know tho that Rita has better taste than Vika lol.
  15. Sorry guys laugh at me -- i dont care, but Elisa was special. I hope the best for her, and some day she will be back IF she wants to be.
  16. Damn, she's gone -- dont know how i can take this apartment now. Thank gosh we have Rita -- the only saving grace. A free spirit just left us. Not jus any free spirit either. She's one of a kind. Hope RLC looks long and hard for someone as good as Elisa.
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