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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. I think you are right Harley. She could get almost any guy so why go for girls. She doesnt seem to be that way, but never know.
  2. I think Vika should come back down to earth Mikey -- Rita pulled away too. Kinda funny. Shes got you man.
  3. Elisa's chugging that bottle ..... damn -- still love her sexy ass. She's drank from 2 different bottles ..... wowww girl.
  4. I agree too. Yesterday was horrible. Like a fight in here or something. Best to always talk about the apartment and only those girls. Try to be positive. Ive messed up a few times about Vika which isnt good, but sometimes she is un-nerving.
  5. It may happen in time Harley. Hope i have a lot of years ahead of me too. I have a nice place so i got good start.
  6. Im sure vika knows what to do,but she jus too weird to show it. Kamila got a hot kitty everyone love to have. We all would love to get with her -- she's nice too i think.
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