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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. One thing for sure Rita has a hot, sexy kitty. She gladly shows it now,but more than that-- she is a smart, articulate, beautiful girl. She will go far in life i feel.
  2. Thanks for that comment. You said it better than i could Major. Elisa is a rare girl for this site , and we dont realize how lucky we've been to have a " real" girl. She isnt fake in any way, and really doesn't worry about what others think. I love her as a resident on RLC , nothing more and nothing less. I will almost gurantee at some point she will be back, and once again we will be lucky to have her. Have a happy life sweety ..... you deserve it.
  3. Amen Elisa is a rare girl, and i thank RLC for bringing her here. Gonna be hard to do better than "my baby."
  4. I know im just a guy who isn't realistic, but i just hope for a girl half as good as Elisa. Her and Rita are "class" and it shows too. I jus wish people would stop creating all these scenarios of her being with Vika, and Rita. She would never go for Vika, and if she was interested in Rita we would have seen at least some kind of even playful move on her , but we havent. I think Elisa is jus waiting for the time to leave. In the meanwhile she's gonna drink, enjoy life, and occasionally bate in her way. No way anyone will convince me that even outside of the apartment she would even think of sex with Vika. Maybe Rita, she's just as hot as Elisa.--- Guess people will tell me im a fool about her and Vika, but i think im right. I dont think she would mess with Vika even away from the apartment.
  5. BTW Elisa put her toy -- the ribbed dildo in her pillow case earlier. Thought id tell ya. It was very subtle when she did it. Thas great because alot on here only care about if she has sex with one of the other girls.Id bet money she's I really commend you buddy. -- A few do care tho Harley about her. Id bet money she's never had any sort of sex with the girls ..... even kissing -- but the imaginations will still run wild lol.
  6. BTW Elisa put her toy -- the ribbed dildo in her pillow case earlier. Thought id tell ya. It was very subtle when she did it.
  7. Cool hope we see her more. So she's Angel Amber? Lol I googled Angel Amber, and she looks nothing like the one that comes up alot of times. Maybe she cant be googled lol.
  8. Guys i want to clear something up this ONE time and that's it. I like Elisa ONLY because since ive been on here -- ive never seen a time i thought she said a bad word, or gave any other girl a hard time. She's ALWAYS friendly to the other girls -- even when they obviously aren't friendly with her. The ONLY reason i ever mention her drinking is ---- Yea she's an internet hottie, but she's a fucking human, and i really think she's a very sweet girl. Im in NO way in love with her or obsessed with her. I just love her because to ME she's very different. I will never meet her but i stil can care. She's an internet friend, but im kinda tired of people telling me i shouldnt mention her drinking alot. # Guess what -- i drink everyday, but i NEVER abuse it .... only a few beers everyday. I jus dont wanna see ELISA get hurt by abusing alcohol or any drug. Alot of guys take advanatge of girls who have abuse problems and it sickens me. AGAIN i ONLY MENTION HER DRINKING BECAUSE I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT HER, OR ANYONE WITH THAT KIND OF PROBLEM. She's so young and it's very sad to see anyone be a victim of alcohol or any drug. Very sorry i mention it at times , but i actually friggin care about her, and anyone who has a problem like she MAY have. DONT get pissed at me if i mention it.... but i will try to ease off mentioning it. ---- I jus had to get that out because in ONE week THAT IVE BEEN A MEMBER HERE ive heard that many times. Lets all chill and be friends.
  9. I feel the same. I dont watch them for sex Canito. If i did id be wasting my time. I like them for their friendship.
  10. The girl with Kami and Kristy is just a friend -- no relative or anything else. I think it's Kristy's friend but not totally sure.
  11. When Vika got out of bed and started her loud talking -- the ground shook here in Tennessee,USA like it always does lol.. Kinda will miss that everyday when she leaves too. Jus too many decibels Vika lol ... jk.
  12. Yea Kami is a doll -- sexy as hell. Jus wish she wasnt with Cokeboy -- but hey that's her choice not mine.
  13. Hey Canito -- she will be back -- id almost gurantee that -- she's too popular not to be. I like Rita she's great -- no problem with her at all. --- Yea i respect everyones opinion here. For me there's no one like Elisa, but that's jus me and my preference of girls.
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