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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Vika and Rita have become good friends, and Vika doesnt have the nerve to tell her to quit singing so loud. So she sent Rita instead. I agree she should have told Vika. I think Vika is jealous, but not Rita. I dont know and none of us do for sure. You may be right. We will see in the next few days how they act.
  2. No i dont. -- Just said those were the only two possibilities. Hard to think Rita is jealous. She's just as hot as Irma.
  3. I have to agree unless they are just letting her have the spotlight/attention today without them in it. Or what you said then. The second thing would be sad.
  4. I am, but in a few minutes someone will not be happy where she placed her mat to meditate lol. Im happy.
  5. Almost as good as Elisa's. Playing to the cams for us. She knows what she's doing, and she had this planned for everybody all along. Im happy tho.
  6. All of the girls are different, they have different personalities. Rita has studies, things going on her life she's concentrating on that dont involve RLC. We never know what's really going on in their lives. I like them all -- some more than others. Irma wants to be liked, so do the others. Vika misses boyfriend -- sometimes isn't in a great mood -- thats normal. We should accept how they are, and appreciate what they do for us. ## None of us are ever gonna be completely happy ALL THE TIME.
  7. It's hard to believe anyone could bash, and not like Rita. Rita is a doll, beautiful, sexy, NOT loud, and great personality. Irma seems like the same as her.
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