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  1. If you are on your mobile Kakaotalk is a pretty useful tool.
  2. So the guest stop coming over and they go stay at there friends house instead of vise-versa, Then we get to listen to you bitch about them never being home. you pay to see the couples of RLC, not the friends of the couples.
  3. They were quick to fix my knees from being bounced around in my gun turret, but they have taken 3 years for my hearing. they told me once that my hearing loss is because I didn't wear ear plugs while hunting on personal time. it had nothing to do with me shooting my maduece or my 240b while not being able to wear plugs in the gun turret. I think they might be on to something since my 30-06 is so much louder than a .50cal machinegun shooting hundreds of rounds at a time. My thoughts on the subject. you can't be the head of the VA unless you are a Vet yourself. Either that or take congress's benefits and give them to vets and make congress use the VA system. I bet shit gets fixed quick then.
  4. the video was actually never posted here. just be sad that you missed it and don't beg. it gets old really fast.
  5. most Vets take about 2 1/2 years after a claim to even start receiving their benefits. The steps we have to go through to receive them is horrendous. You have to have so much paperwork to start your claim, then you have to have a ton of supporting documents, then you have to wait for some bureaucrat piece of shit to approve your claim. A lot of the times you need more supporting documents, that requires you to start the process over with an appeal of there decision. Trust me this an issue that I am years deep in.
  6. to bad I missed it Motherless took it down already for DMCA, they are cramping my peeping lol.
  7. Veronica? who is that. I just thought it was a name on an empty apartment. Granted I am a freeloader and only watch the free cams. I have seen that couple like 4 or 5 times since they moved in.
  8. I have been watching her lately since this discussion has started. I have seen this first hand with my wife. Diana isn't psyco or acting childish in a certain right. From just watching her for a few days, I can say that she is suffering from anxiety related depression. Her outburst and mood swings are almost to a tee of what I witnessed first hand. Effim is not helping the situation by not being understanding or withdrawling from her. It is very tough to go through this. It almost caused a divorce in my relationship quite a few times. Cut her some slack and hope she gets on meds to help her through this.
  9. Squirrel, Put your alternate personality away. Nobody wants to eat shit. ;)
  10. The greatest Marine generals thoughts on being surrounded http://www.military.com/Content/MoreContent?file=ML_puller_bkp
  11. HEHE I am going to report every begging post. I will flood your inbox. LOL (I really wouldn't do that I like you)
  12. most ppl have to work and havent the time to monitor rlc 24 hrs a day.i suggest you get a life I am barely on RLC, actually I just check out camcaps most of the time when I am free at work. I do have a life, and like to get on to see what people are sharing and bullshit with some of the old timers. I do not like however getting on and seeing 300 post of just people begging for videos. It is getting to the point where I am not even visiting most of the these threads.
  13. wow Mod, can you start a separate thread where people can beg for videos? It is getting quite annoying.
  14. with Mash Tators and corn, lol
  15. This is quite funny to me. Since I have joined CC, I have not once asked for any pictures or videos from any apartments. Granted I have made sure Chiller didn't forget about us in the daily dose of porn thread! :) If someone posts a video or pic enjoy it, if you missed something hope someone posts it. It gets quite annoying when someone starts a thread to share their opinion and the only discussion is people begging for videos. I only view RLC for maybe 20 min everyday, so I miss a lot. am i begging for videos NO. Suck it up buttercup and hope someone shares don't beg. If someone asks constantly, the last thing I would do is share a vid or pic with them.
  16. Thanks Chiller, I was starting to worry you forgot about us :)
  17. my slave is tied up in the basement, but she is white and she asked me to do it. Is this a bad thing? should I feel guilty about the ball gag or the choke chain? j/k
  18. The black cat is attacking the poor puppies cone of shame, its funny!
  19. JoJo, did you notice they took down their cams. I know they were working on their own site do you know if it's up and running?
  20. Thank you for posting this. As a service man and a Vet this actually says all it needs to say.
  21. Did anyone see what Obama has done now with immigration. He is allowing those who are in the U.S. illegally file refugee status for their children. This means that more of my tax dollars are going to help those who are less fortunate to a free way of life. They won't have to hold a job because of all the free monies and assistance they get. Which in turn, means they will never pay a dime in taxes. They will also be allowed to cash in on my Social Security when I finally get to the age where I can collect it. I am not worried about it though cause see I am 30 years old and won't ever have the opportunity to claim it anyway. These little poor children from the cesspools of this great earth will also be allowed to bring all of their immediate family with them and hold them here because of their refugee status. So this means I can not only support one innocent but all 20 of their brothers and sisters as well. Each one of these children will get free monies which is only fair as because the U.S. did so much to turn their home countries into third world toilets. I will also get the opportunity to learn a second language as I will have to because these poor lost souls almost always refuse to learn English. Nothing makes me happier to see a 4 year old in a store translating for a parent and older siblings because they refuse to learn English. This is not always the case though. I actually worked with a fence jumper and she spoke perfect English when she wanted to, and never to anyone while at work. I can not blame her though as we need to conform to them not them to this country who mistreats everyone who isn't white and rich. (sarc off) WTF? I know I am young, but this mother fucker is screwing with mine and my kids future and this will never be able to be corrected. any one want to go in on a property deal with me, I hear Belize is nice year round.
  22. We didn't go in based purely on oil. There were a few parts that pulled into our fold. 1. Saddam had chemical WMD's, which he got out of the country before we were able to actually get in and find them. Hence Assad's arsenal. 2. We (the U.S.) put a nut job in power. We put Saddam in power to combat the Iotola of Afghanistan. He started killing massive amounts of his own people, so it was time to correct our mistake. The reason Iraq is in the mess it is, is because our government let the war get political instead of letting our military do what needed to be done. We folded Iraq in 27 days. But instead of showing a fist to get the country in order, we stuck a hand out. Hearts and Minds they called it. I know I was there. Not able to shoot someone because they are not pointing the RPG they are carrying at you. Trust me it was that bad. If they are carrying an RPG they are a combatant but the politicians said, "Hey if they aren't shooting you they are friendly." Bullshit. It wasn't oil. We in the U.S. can actually produce more oil then Iraq. Now on a lighter note, The Chicago all black little league team lost their national title for cheating. And without thought the mighty Jackson pulled the racist card immediately and right on cue.
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