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  1. I actually (even though it had it's share of problems) wish I still had windows XP. They try to do way to much shit now days. I like opening to a desktop, not some screen full of apps that I never use. I want my computer to be just a computer not a phone made into a tablet and plugged into a laptop. I of course have the same bitch about game consoles. If I wanted my gaming console to be a computer I would just buy a computer for gaming. The good old day just being able to pop a game in and play are gone. My wife got me the xbone for xmas and I do enjoy the graphics, but it is asinine I have to download a game onto the damn console before I play even if it is a disk. Time to break out the NES and do some real gaming. (yes I still have one)
  2. Her playing that Violin makes me want to watch her all day. The majestic sound is so much better than any instrument that has ever been played on RLC. just my humble opinion.
  3. you want the ultimate machine. How about the 800hp Ford mustang Shelby GT500 Super Snake
  4. it's to bad they took the live feed off I guess.
  5. The only reason it has come true under capitalism is because of political policies, inflation, and people thinking that the rich owe them something. I grew up knowing and learning I had to work my ass off for everything. I started working at the age of 10 for 6 bucks an hour digging corn stalks and weeds out of soybean fields. I started working on a roofing crew at the age of 12 for 7 dollars an hour. By 14 I was working on a farm for 8 dollars an hour from sun up to sun down. Now I am a member of the National Guard and manage a hog operation for one of the largest producers in the world. People today think they need $15/hr for flipping burgers and stocking shelves. That makes the price of everything else go up. With I having to pay for some persons healthcare and bills because they are to lazy to find a fucking job, this is why I am broke. My bonus for the last fiscal year was 1800 dollars I manage 64 million dollars worth of hog inventory, the mighty government took 1/3 of it. These taxes go to pay for stupid people's welfare in the majority. Dare I say it Unions had their usefulness to get work conditions up to par, but now they fight for 50 dollars an hour to stand on an assembly line and receive a life time pension. REALLY? This is why a car that used to cost $3000 dollars is now selling for $40,000 dollars. You wits blame capitalism? Capitalism brought you everything you use today, from your computers and phones, to your car, to your damn food that you buy at the grocery store. Would you rather the Govrn't give you your food ration? Maybe you would like them to tell you what you have to do for a living. It's not capitalism that is ending our society as we know it, it is people that are doing it. People who can't keep their legs closed and have 6 kids with 6 different guys and expect us to pay for them. It is people who are to lazy to find a job because what is available is below them. It is people who think they need to make more than I do, because they flip a fucking burger. I have worked the majority of my life knowing the harder I work, the more I make. Kids today think they deserve to make everything before they even prove themselves.. I know the Owner's of the company I work for make high 6 figure and maybe even 7 figures. Do I care? Hell No. They took my company from a small family farm to the largest Independent Hog producer in North America. They work their asses off to make sure I still have my job. Are all companies like this? No. But, CEO's have to work their asses off managing people and their business to make sure all of us still have jobs. If they don't produce, then their product whatever it is doesn't get sold we lose our jobs then they lose theirs. What good does that do them? The top 1% of earners pay 75% of what the Govn't collects in taxes. Sure I might pay a shit ton in taxes, but guess what my CEO pays more money than I do. My neighbor lost his farm the other day, do you know why? He bought more than what he could afford. simple as that. You buy something you can't afford you lose it. That's because of meager wages right? Tell our liberal gov't to stop printing money and inflation wouldn't skyrocket and your dollar would be worth more.
  6. Have they ever came back online?
  7. How about YOU DO NOT GO TO YOUR BAT SHIT CRAZY NEIGHBORS. You know I have a gun in every room of my house. Even if I wasn't a guardsman, and someone came to my house starting shit on my property, they would have my .45 1911 in their face in a heartbeat. (it has happened). If you have a problem with your neighbor you take it up with whatever authorities you need to. you don't go to his house and start shit. Just as I would expect him not to come to your house and start shit and if he did I would expect you to defend yourself by whatever means you had. Guns put food on the table, Guns are for self protection, If guns are outlawed then only outlaws would have them. that simple. For clarification, Every Guardsmen I know personally would not take orders from the federal govrn't when/if the order comes to disarm American citizens. and did you not get my piece about the selective service? every male has to sign up to be drafted if the need arises. Would you not want at least some training of marksmanship to take place before that happens?
  8. The National Guard you say. Do you know where the National Guard gets its funding?. As a Member of the Army National Guard, I do. We get 90% of our funding from the Federal Govn't. That is why when there is a Govn't shut down, I do not have drill because the Army cannot pay us. Our weapon systems come from the Federal Govn't. The states cannot just go out and by weapon systems for us, as this is regulated by the DoD. So if the Federal Govn't wanted to take control of the states and become a totalitarian regime, the first thing they would do is defund the National Guard. Then what are the states going to do about their Militias. It is imperative that those who are called to serve bring their own weapons if needed, and how can we do that if the jackpots in D.C. think that my AR-10 is unnecessary?
  9. Every male aged 18 yrs has to sign up for what is called the selective service. It is so when our military has to start up the draft again, these are the people that get chosen from. this means that every male aged 18 years and older are apart of a militia. they just do not train on a regular basis. Also, the second amendment reads in total. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Now lets break this down piece by piece, Well Regulated Militia= An entity comprised of all able bodied persons. being necessary to the security of a free State= Having a Militia is a state issue not a federal on. This was written to protect the states from overreaching into state matters and taking away statehood rights. The State in this actually means the States not Country. If this wasn't the case this would have never been ratified by the states and we wouldn't have a constitution today. the right of the people to keep and bear Arms= In order to have a Militia people will have to be able to bring their own arms to war if called up. if you call up all on the selective service within your state there is no way that the powers that be can outfit every man with a weapon, so they will need to bring their own. shall not be infringed.= this means that the Federal Gov't cannot touch this Constitutional Amendment.
  10. What Assault rifles do you speak of? military assault rifles are not available to the general public (in the U.S. you have to have a class 3 FFL license) I shoot both actually, As a Member of the "well-regulated militia. My National Guard "assault" rifle has this little setting that lets you shoot more than one bullet with a single squeeze of the trigger. My personal weapon is a semi-auto AR-10 not an assault weapon as I have to squeeze the trigger for each round to go off. just like any semi-auto pistol. Now as to gun rights I am going to post a little video that goes over some of the statistics of gun deaths here in the U.S. What proves that taking guns out of my hands or my neighbors hands is going to reduce the rate of gun violence when every swinging dick in a gang can get there hands on guns through the blackmarket (mostly the cartels in mexico).
  11. Is the 351 a Cleveland or the Windsor?
  12. The negative Karma came about as more of a joke than anything more or less people making fun of the karma system.
  13. :spam:
  14. Here is a heart filled song for those that are in or support our brothers and sisters in Her Majesty's military
  15. I think this thread needs a dose of patriotism
  16. I just skimmed through this entire thread and feel I want to put in my two cents. First off Maturin, as somebody who was deployed to Iraq with the American military, Saddam did have WMD's. I'll give you one thing he wasn't proven to have nuclear weapons, but as of the definition a WMD is weapon of mass destruction. Saddam had chemical weapons that he shipped to Assad when he got reports we were coming for him. This is where Assad got his chemical weapons. Second, ISIS was born from the Syrian rebels. ISIS started in Syria and took over large portions of Iraq after obama pulled out our military. Yes they didn't renew our status of forces agreement, but it isn't the first time Iraq didn't renew it. It wasn't renewed right before I deployed but you didn't hear anything about it because Bush said Fuck You if we aren't there this is what is going to happen so we are staying. Guess what, they renewed it. We didn't go there for Iraqi oil. We actually have more oil here in the U.S. then Iraq does. We went there to fix our mistake. The U.S. actually put Saddam in power to keep Iran at bay in '79. Iran was backed and still is backed by Russia. this was at a crucial time during the Cold War and we did everything we could to counter Russia. we actually still do most of the time. As for the refugee problem. If they really wanted to stay and fix their own damn countries they could. But, this is all apart of their plan for a world wide caliphate. There are just as many military age males that are seeking "refugee" status as women and children. The reports are scattered, but some are saying one out of every 1000 refugees is an ISIS militant. We are talking millions of refugees, so do the math. It took 11 muzzy extremist to kill 3000 people in one morning. what do you think 100 would do to your country? I say they stay and fix their own damn country. They want us to cuddle them give them free shit and then kill us. Fuck them. I live 20 miles from a town that took in "refugees" from Sudan, now the FBI has given my military unit a report that we are no longer supposed to wear a uniforms to and from duty because of the threat of ISIS in Denver to a Boku Haram cell in the town 20 miles from my house. These are supposed to be "refugees". Now our great commander in chief wants to take in more than 10,000. He can go fuck himself with a spiked pole. These Sudanese actually take shits in the middle of the isle at the Wal-Mart I used to go to. Just pull up their burkas and take a shit. These muzzies do not care for mine or your culture. I am all for helping people when they help themselves, but these jackasses think we owe them something. I refuse to help someone who won't try to help themselves. fuck them if they don't like their own country they need to fix it, and not try to change my country to soot their needs. It's good to see you JoJo.
  17. The problem with muzzies is that they must always put their religion first. If they do not, then they are disavowing allah and muhammed, which in turn means they get beheaded according to the koran. If they show any compassion to those that do not follow their false religion they are befriending their enemies, which in turn means they get beheaded or stoned according to the koran. They cannot separate what they need to do from their religion because that means they won't get their 72 children that muhammed promised them.
  18. I think they are randomly picking apartments now. I clear my cookies everytime I close my browser and this time I got zoya and lev up first
  19. My great-uncle started to talk to me after I returned from Iraq. He started to tell me stories about his time in Vietnam from 68-70, and my great aunt informed me that I was the only one he ever shared his trials with. When he started to tell me stories one day, my aunt just blurted out, "So that is where that dream came from." You want to talk about a feeling of pride and sorrow at the same time. I never thought that I would have someone from the forgotten generation confined in me before his own wife of almost 45 years. I couldn't even imagine have the stuff my uncle went through.
  20. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  21. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/foiled-isis-inspired-attack-on-pope/ar-AAejpkM?li=AAa0dzB Looks like we have to deal with them here before anywhere else
  22. You should know all about that glitch in the load right Old Man? Here pretty soon you will be shooting dust instead of just having a glitch. ;D
  23. I was going to stay out of this part of this conversation, but because I am someone who greatly loves his country, fuck it. My flag represents freedom; freedom of expression, freedom to live your life to what you see fit, freedom to be able to chose your religion, freedom to elect who you want to represent you in this great Republic. I will seek out and destroy all who threaten that. You talk of genocide? what about the 100's of thousands of people muzzie's have killed since they became a religion (more or less a cult). They come to my country and try to change our laws because they want to kill their daughters for having a boyfriend, they want to beat their wives for waving at someone, they want to kill me because I am Christian, they want to have honor killings here in the U.S. I say fuck them and their child molesting false prophet. I say fuck them. If they were to come here and abide by our laws, let people live how they see fit, not try to change my country because we aren't barbaric enough for them, I wouldn't mind them living along side us. If they were to let Israelis live in peace, I wouldn't mind them Yesterday the supreme iotola of Iran said that Israel would not exist in 25 years because they would be able to drop the bomb on them. How do you feel about that Timewarp. And yes Leave my Flag out of this.
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