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Everything posted by Linked

  1. from what I see, there is a lot of old pervs here
  2. Guys you mean to tell me that you don't do a walk around before you test drive? what is wrong with you people. we all know T just looks at feet first anyway. ??? ;)
  3. Most politicians are liars and only tell people what they want to hear until they get elected. Trump says what he thinks and doesn't give a shit about what other people think of him. why would he, he already is a billionaire.
  4. The hottest topic would have to be the first presidential republican debate https://youtu.be/zNwYbEQAQJE
  5. well that will be interesting Ay
  6. well obviously these rules do not apply to Admin, since by all means this board was set up and all initial money to do so (before paid memberships) came out of Admin's pocket. It is Admin's board so Admin can do whatever Admin wants to do. As for the Mods. Admin monitors them.
  7. I can only imagine the look on the westboro pukes face now especially if they throw a homo couple in. lol.
  8. For someone bitching about long comments on this thread,you sure put a long comment on this thread. I agree with loner for once. And I just wanted to add another comment about how awesome it would be if they satisfied eachother finally. 8)
  9. The Trumpster offers something the other candidates don't, He is not a politician. Although I doubt he will win the republican nomination, he is bringing up topics most politicians won't. I love the fact he is not P.C. He is a smart business man and he is very patriotic. As I said he probably won't win the primary, but he is a breathe of fresh air from your normal politician. I myself like Cruz. It's a long political season so we will see where it goes. Fiorna is quite impressive as well.
  10. Surprisingly no RPG's came flying at him. They never launch during the call to prayer, It is always right after for about a half hour to an hour. Those towel heads sure love their rockets and mortars though. During Ramadan is the worst time.
  11. The Best guitar solo in a war zone.
  12. Take your time mate, I just thought you forgot about us, lol. I kept getting a 522 error yesterday I was extremely worried we would lose everything again.
  13. I do have a question for the Ole Dudes though. I have a hard time deciding which version is better. The original or the only cover that matters. Up for Vote is the original '73 version or the '87 cover
  14. Now I know this is going to offend everyone, but this guy is fucking hilarious. It isn't a video but just a slideshow with a song. Watch at your own risk.
  15. I'll agree with The Sheriff. I love a beautiful body. Chiller is half the reason I keep coming back!
  16. I don't think you people understand. With Most not all people there is a meaning behind every tattoo. If they are tastefully done then they can be just as beautiful as the woman they are on. Notice I said tastefully. Some kids today get tattoos because it is "cool" I understand that. But, I would say 90% of people with tattoos have a meaning behind each tattoo. I have a few that are all have their meanings. My wife has a few that she has gotten and they have meanings as well. They are used to express ones self . I would love to know the meaning behind Maya's or if she I just got one to be "cool". Now to the pictures of the crazies that Sniper posted with the embedded beads and shit that is people being crazy trying to prove they are individuals. that isn't tasteful at all. this is an endless debate though as we all have our own opinions. I will leave you with what I told an ex's parents when they found out I got my first tattoo at 16. My body is God's temple, he just put me here to decorate it!
  17. Admin, I keep getting this message when I try to open the Pics and videos open thread under other sites Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 1310720) (tried to allocate 12288 bytes) in /home/admin/public_html/Sources/Errors.php on line 312
  18. ohh how I have missed you Chiller. Thank you for your amazing contributions!
  19. This wasn't me was it? I had serious thoughts about doing this to you, but I don't remember if I actually did it! Damn children anyway.
  20. I haven't been able to be on much lately, and I was just wondering who had the great thought of making The Squirrel a global moderator? Now not only do I have to be worried about my attic and radiator hoses but I have to worry about him blocking me too. Great. :) ;D
  21. Ernie Chambers is a douche bag. This hits home for me as he is in my state legislature. This man was arrested for carrying a concealed handgun a in the 70's I believe. during his last time in office, he sued God. Yes that's right, this idiot spent money and filed a court preceding to sue God, because God lets shitty things happen in this world. This man is a spit stain on society. But on a positive note the traitor and deserter Berhgdal is charged with desertion. now maybe those 6 soldiers who lost their lives for this idiot will finally see their justice. I truly hop that he sees a long drop with a short rope.
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