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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Adam Schiff is the modern day reincarnation of Joseph McCarthy. The man is pure evil.
  2. Type "Members of the Lincoln Foundation promote racial hoax in Virginia" into your computer browser and then press enter on your keyboard and watch all web page stories that pop up about the hoax. Or did they not teach you how to do that in your Marxist public school?
  3. He said it today at a news conference in Rome, fuckhead. He blamed higher U.S. gas prices on Russia and Saudi Arabia refusing to put more oil(supply) into the market. You don't watch your hero's speeches and news conferences?
  4. Schiff is a pathetic walking talking joke. Almost as big a joke as you are, little snowflake.
  5. Manslaughter is a crime and I believe Alec Baldwin is guilty of manslaughter.
  6. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! I just watched an interview with a brilliant Black Woman politician on tv named Winsone Sears. She needs to be either the Republican nominee for president or vice president in 2024.
  7. We should have known that we would have a big problem with our product supply chain transportation system when Alfred E. Newman was appointed Secretary of Transportation. His plan for improving the transportation system is build more bike paths.
  8. Because of Joe Biden's presidency no Democratic Party candidate will ever again be able to convince American voters that he/she is a moderate. The days of Democrats using that lie to get elected are over.
  9. More gaslighting by the Washington Post. Even Biden admits that higher gasoline prices are the result of oil demand being greater than oil supplies while at the same time Biden has enacted policies to restrict oil production in the U.S. Sorry, but the gaslighting is not working on the American people. they no longer believe the lies put forth by the news media, Democrats and assholes like you. Save the lies and propaganda for your ignorant buddies who are dumb enough to believe them.
  10. Sorry, but Americans aren't stupid enough to believe the gaslighting lies put forth by CNN. You are beginning to look like a fool when you deny reality that doesn't fit your political agenda, you little dishonest lying asshole prick. CNN's viewer numbers are sinking so low that eventually only indoctrinated liberal progressive socialist Marxist idiots like you and Golfer will be watching them. 😏
  11. You need to check the real news ever now and then, you fucking dope. Members of the Lincoln Project have even admitted that they staged the racial hoax.
  12. Almost everything the Biden Administration has done so far has been a failure. That's why his poll numbers with the American people have been in free fall.
  13. And if it had been Trump your tune would be different. You and the news media would have reacted exactly as they did when VP Dick Cheney accidentally shot his friend in a hunting accident. They and you wanted him convicted of a crime and removed from office. You are the true hypocrite.
  14. Yeah, and anytime I say anything negative about Joe Biden or the Democrats you come back with Trump whataboutisms, little snowflake hypocrite.
  15. Trump would never do something that stupid, little snowflake. Ask your ex-police officer daddy how dumb Baldwin was in what he did. If you go out on the highway and act recklessly with your vehicle and kill someone you will most likely be charged with manslaughter. That's what I believe Alec Baldwin should be charged with.
  16. And the Trump obsession continues among the losers who have nothing to offer the American people except socialist/Marxist policies which have failed every place they have been tried.
  17. What dumb ass Biden is. Today at a news conference in Rome he was blaming the high price of U.S. gasoline on the Russians and Saudis because they are not pumping enough oil when at the same time the stupid dumb fuck Biden has restricted oil production in the U.S. What a total fucking idiot that man is.
  18. The racial hoax staged by members of the Lincoln Project to smear Glenn Youngkin in Virginia shows how devious, deceitful and evil that organization is.
  19. There are already gun control laws on the books that Democrat prosecutors do not enforce against criminals. And laws only put controls on people who obey laws. Criminals do not obey laws. There are already laws making murder illegal. Has that stopped murders from occurring? Democrat proposed new gun control laws are just an attempt by Democrats to take guns away from law abiding American citizens while allowing criminals to still possess them.
  20. If Trump retired losers like you and the news media would have nothing to talk about except all the failed policies of Democrat run government.
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