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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That was not MSN's opinion, dunce. That was a CNN article posted on MSN. When you were in school did you ever pass a reading comprehension test?
  2. Oh yeah, here's the latest headline on MSN posted by CNN, "Democrats Got Shellacked. Now What?" Next you'll be trying to convince us that CNN is a far right news network.
  3. I would like to thank BLM and ANTIFA for helping to elect Republican Ann Davison to be Seattle's next city attorney.
  4. When it comes to race, it is Democrats who have the disgusting history, not Republicans.
  5. Please, come up with something new. That's the exact same thing Democrats said about Ronald Reagan, little uninformed snowflake. You amaze me with your stupidity.
  6. Democrat politicians in Illinois already tried to take away part of my pension, but the mother fuckers lost in a lawsuit upheld by the Illinois Supreme Court.
  7. You posted an article full of bullshit left wing propaganda just like you always do.
  8. In 1960 Louisiana it damn sure wasn't Republicans running the state, ignorant little boy. A 99% probability that the White people throwing rocks at a Black woman were Democrats.
  9. Please don't tell the Democrats. Like Napolean said, " Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself."😉
  10. You are right. That's too bad. I knew that her father was Jamaican, but I didn't know she was born in Jamaica.
  11. And the ones throwing the rocks were Democrats. Wonder if they'll teach that?
  12. I foresee Joe Manchin running against Joe Biden in the 2024 Democratic presidential primaries.
  13. No, they are concerned that their children will be taught that all White people are racists which is a core element of Critical Race Theory.
  14. This woman should be the Republican presidential or vice presidential candidate in 2024. She is brilliant and not afraid of anyone, just like Trump.
  15. No, I'm very fearful of what Democrats are presently doing to destroy democracy in America.
  16. You are so dense. Maybe one of these days when you grow up you'll be able to understand what I meant, but I doubt it. lol
  17. The photo accompanying this story shows how deceitful and dishonest the people at Yahoo are. The photo was put with the story to make people believe that Trump was at the Dallas rally. Another example of slimy journalism from the left wing media.
  18. He just described the red wave that O_U812 is denying happened.
  19. Who besides fools like you give a damn what Qanon is doing? But I guess if you talk about Qanon you don't have to talk about the ass kicking Democrats took in the elections last night.
  20. When you quote someone you are suppose to cite who you are quoting otherwise you are guilty of committing plagiarism just like your hero "Sleepy Joe" Biden has done numerous times. Everyone on this thread knows that you did not write the above comment, little boy.
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