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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The infrastructure bill takes care of those problems. The Build Back Better spending bill just imposes the Democrats' liberal progressive socialist Marxist agenda upon the American people. The very same agenda that America rejected in the presidential primary elections when they voted thumbs down on the Marxist Bernie Sanders.
  2. So why are the American people not happy with Biden if he has been so successful?
  3. That guy must be watching CNN or MSNBC since they preach hate 24/7.
  4. Rogers was probably infected with Covid by a vaccinated teammate. Being vaccinated does not prevent someone from spreading the virus.
  5. I wonder how many times BrooklynDad-Defiant voted by mail in the Virginia election?
  6. Please explain how it is harder for young people and people of color to vote than it is for other people to vote.
  7. More Stalinist type propaganda. You sort of left out the fact that we were in the middle of a pandemic with no vaccine in Feb.-Oct, 2020. Can you post anything without being totally deceitful and dishonest? When it comes to unbiasedly reporting facts you are a total joke and a jerk.
  8. I think yours is still sore from the Tuesday night ass kicking you and the Democrats received from American voters.
  9. So if the economy is doing so great why do we need trillions of more dollars in government stimulus spending?
  10. Doesn't matter how much bullshit you and the news media spread anymore. The American people can see the truth in their everyday personal lives. Your propaganda, distortion of facts, and outright lies don't work anymore, little snowflake.
  11. In point of FACT, it is Joe Biden who has been accused of grabbing the pussy of one of his staff members when "Sleepy Joe" was a Senator.
  12. Fact: the infrastructure bill passed in the Senate with 69 votes including 19 Republicans. Fact: The Democrats can pass the infrastructure bill in the House without any Republican votes. Fact: It is Democrats who are keeping the infrastructure bill from even being voted on in the House.
  13. If everything is so great why did Democrats get their asses kick in last Tuesday's elections?
  14. That's exactly true. Republicans are 'blocking the the voting rights bill because they know if it is passed Republicans CANNOT win' because the voting rights bill rigs the election process in such a way that Democrats can never lose.
  15. If Fiona Hill committed a crime then she should be arrested and prosecuted. Remember!!!!!!!!? Nancy Pelosi said 'No one is above the law.'
  16. After the ass kicking Democrats took on Tuesday James Carville said people like Golfer and O_U812 need to be committed to "Woke Detox Centers".
  17. The Voting Rights Bill should be renamed the Democratic Party Legalized Election Cheating Bill.😉
  18. Just Wait. And those Trump supporters are not as stupid as people like you who actually believe Donald Trump is going to be arrested.
  19. Today the FBI (John Durham investigation) arrested a Russian agent who was working for Christopher Steele in development of the Steele Dossier that was used to start the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. The Russian agent had connections to people in the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign. An arrested Russian agent? Wonder if we'll hear from Golfer today?
  20. Who or what the hell is MSM? My comment that you quoted was about CNN posted on MSN.
  21. And the Democrats in the northeast section of Virginia are primarily federal government employees who work in Washington, D.C. In essence they are Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwellers.
  22. Wrong. In 2013 Terry Mcauliffe was elected governor of Virginia when Barack Hussein Obama was president.
  23. So you and Golfer need to coordinate your strategy behind the scenes. How's it feel to be conspiring with a Russian agent, little snowflake? That used to be considered treason in this country.
  24. No, I refuse to be indoctrinated by left wing liberal progressive socialist Marxists like you. You were not alive in the 1960s, I was. I saw the racist policies of White Democrats in the 1960s with my own eyes, especially the racist policies of Southern White Democrats. Those racist Democrats included Al Gore,jr. 's daddy U.S. Senator Al Gore ,sr., Bill Clinton's mentor U.S. Senator Jay William Fulbright, and a member of the KKK U.S. Senator Robert Byrd.
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