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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. JFK jr. killed himself and his wife through an act of stupidity when he tried to fly a plane in foggy conditions when he was not yet instrument qualified.
  2. And Max Boot has absolutely no credibility calling himself a conservative. But that's exactly the type comment I would expect from a Russian-American who was born in Moscow.
  3. Who would ever even want to waste their time talking about an insignificant nobody like Rick Wilson anyway? With Rick Wilson there is nothing to talk about since nothing about him is real.
  4. Says the little parasite snowflake who has never done anything for this country. You need to apologize for still being alive since you are a burden on the backs of everyone in this country who has to labor hard to support your liberal progressive socialist Marxist lazy ass.
  5. I thought you did research. Apparently the only research you do is in left wing propaganda blogs. Actually, it's very easy to research current news. Just go the MSN News web page and browse the headlines. But I guess for someone as dumb as you that's too difficult.
  6. No, that's exactly what the Democrats are trying to do right now. The purpose of their so called voting rights legislation is to insure that Democrats never ever lose another election. The dictator governor of Michigan just vetoed a voter ID bill because the legislation would make it more difficult for Democrats to steal elections.
  7. Air quality in the U.S. actually improved during the Trump Administration.
  8. Sorry you are too fucking dumb to find the story with your browser.
  9. You are insane. Anyone who believes that man can substantially change the world climate is a fucking lunatic.
  10. Right now they are helping the country by stopping Democrat legislation that would destroy the country. Thank God for the checks and balances system written into our U.S. Constitution.
  11. Sorry, I know that's how you deal with dissenters in Russia, but this is the U.S. where we still haven't reached the point where we medicate and imprison dissenters in mental institutions, comrade Golfer. But it's probably in our not too distant future since Biden's AG is already having the FBI investigate parents who verbally protest education policies at school board meetings.
  12. Sorry, but the last big invasion on our southern border was by Haitians. This latest caravan is mostly made up of people from Central America, totally different crowd. But it doesn't matter that you deny reality because the American people are seeing it and will make the Democrats pay a price in future elections.
  13. You've been brain washed with a bunch of climate change hysteria. Back in the 1990s the ignorant fool Al Gore said we only had a few years to save the planet. How much carbon did all the government officials attending the Climate Summit put into the atmosphere flying in jets to the summit. If Biden is so concerned about the environment why did he arrive at the G-20 meeting in Rome in an 85 vehicle motorcade. It is the people who preach about the dangers of climate change that do most of the environmental polluting.
  14. No, Biden should have told the world that he is an incompetent, senile asshole that is nothing more than a figure head who has a White House staff telling him what to do.
  15. At the Climate Summit in Scotland Biden apologized for Trump pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement. When Biden returns to the U.S. he needs to apologize to the American people for putting the U.S. back into the agreement.
  16. Headline from a new story just posted on MSN by the Washington Examiner, "Even Democrats Want to Dump Biden in 2024".
  17. Yeah, I think it is great. That's how a checks and balances system of government was intended to work. It keeps any branch of government from becoming too powerful.
  18. It is Democrats who sound the race "dog whistles" 24/7 365 days a year in order to avoid talking about the real issues facing America. Anyone that challenges Democrats on any policy is automatically branded a racist. Thankfully, that Stalinist tactic doesn't work that well anymore.
  19. So you would rather we have a government as you have in your beloved Russia where the executive runs everything, right, comrade Golfer.?
  20. I feel more sorrow for our country because of all the damage Biden is doing to it.
  21. Another one of your many lies. And how would you know what is on Fox news, since you refuse to watch it?
  22. Today Joe Manchin put the final nail in the coffin of Biden's Build Back Better spending plan.
  23. Members of the Lincoln Project have shown themselves to be devious and devoid of any credibility with the racial hoax they just recently orchestrated in Virginia. Anything they say is not worth listening to.
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