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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. No, it is Biden's fault. When he took office the U.S. was energy independent and we did not need to rely on any other country for our energy needs. But because of Biden's policies we are no longer energy independent and must now depend on oil purchased from Russia and Saudi Arabia. I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand that, little mentally limited snowflake.
  2. Democrats lost their asses in Virginia because for the first time they made the fatal mistake of being open about who and what they really are, and the people in Virginia and America don't like what they see. Terry Mcauliffe openly admitted that he believes that parents have no right to have a say in what their kids are taught in public schools.
  3. New headline posted on MSN by Daily Mail, "Joe Manchin says 'we're not in a rush' to pass Biden's budget package."
  4. I just saw a Democrat talking head on tv trying to say Terry Mcauliffe was a moderate Democrat. This talking head believes Mcauliffe lost because he wasn't enough like AOC and Bernie Sanders. I hope that's what all Democrats believe. LMAO
  5. Kamala Harris finally made a true statement. Before the election in Virginia she said, "What happens in Virginia will, in large part, determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on."
  6. Karma is beautiful. MLB removed the All Star Game from Atlanta because of changes in Georgia voting laws and last night Atlanta won the World Series.
  7. Maybe Putin can save his incompetent buddy Joe Biden's ass by pumping more oil to lower gasoline prices in the U.S.
  8. It will be fun watching all the so called moderate Democrats in the House of Representatives abandon ship on the Biden, Pelosi, Schumer legislative agenda.
  9. Good! The liberal progressives Yeyhos at Yahoo still don't get it. The voters in Virginia rejected all the far left policies of Democrats and the people at Yahoo are either too stupid or too dishonest to see that. But that is good for Republicans because Democrats will continue to make the same mistakes that cost them the Virginia elections.
  10. You are beginning to believe your own propaganda. Check out all the headlines on MSN News.
  11. So the same bunch of wimpy ass RINO senators are going to help Democrats to steal elections.That figures.
  12. That's because all the people you cite as experts have no credibility.
  13. It did. If you weren't a stupid brainwashed socialist/Marxist European little sheep you would know that. Check U.S. EPA records, you uninformed dumb fuck.
  14. Only thing blue in Virginia this morning is Terry Mcauliffe. He's got a bad case of the " Election Loser Blues".
  15. Democrat strategy in Virginia backfired on them. Biden and Mcauliffe tried to make the campaign about Donald Trump and that strategy blew up in their faces.
  16. No, Biden will kiss the asses of all the wimpy European leaders and shit on American workers just like Barrack Hussein Obama did.
  17. Those were deep blue states where the Democrats were suppose to win easily, you dishonest distorting prick.
  18. Bye,Bye to "the punk" Terry Mcauliffe. Now he join Hillary in the junk heap of Democrat politicians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Probably members of the Lincoln Project dressed as Qanon members.
  20. Red wave in Virginia and New Jersey??????????????????????????????
  21. Except that Joe Biden is wholehearted supporter of the environmental jerk fest.
  22. How long before Golfer or O_U812 say that the video was fake or doctored?
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