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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. If Neil Cavuto had really been concerned about the dangers of Covid he would have gone on a diet to lose weight just like our fat ass dictator goverrnor in Illinois, the obese JB( Jelly Belly) Pritsker, needs to lose weight to protect himself from a serious reaction to a Covid infection.
  2. O_U812 and Golfer posting a deluge of left wing propaganda stories on this thread does not change the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats are in an out of control downward spiral in American voter public opinion polls. The end is near for Democratic Party control of Congress.
  3. Nice photo of "Sleepy Joe" toasting his puppet master. Moving the U.S. quickly to a green energy grid that won't work is the surest way to ensure Chinese Communist dominance of the world.
  4. Except if you read the misleading article you will see that Fox News does not have a vaccine mandate. People willingly sharing their vaccine status is not a vaccine mandate. The story is just another distortion of truth by a left wing propaganda blog.
  5. I see your severe mental and emotional problems have not improved. Becoming close to padded cell time for you, comrade Golfer.
  6. When I go into Subway to order a sandwich they ask if I want chips with the sandwich. Now when you go to an auto dealer to order a vehicle they ask you if you want chips with the vehicle (computer chips). 😏
  7. Rolling Stone is a fucking joke as a legitimate news source. More anonymous sources who are probably about as legitimate as Adam Schiff's fictitious version of Trump's Ukraine phone call.
  8. Sorry, but talking about Qanon will not save the Democrats' asses in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Most voters in the U.S. don't even know who or what Qanon is.
  9. And why no photo of Eric Swalwell and his Chinese Communist lover "Fang Fang" who could qualify as Congress' Greatest Security Risk Couple?
  10. People like letsdothis, Golfer, and O_U812 need to keep attention on Trump in order to distract from all the disastrous events that the Biden/Democrat economic,social and political policies are causing in the U.S.
  11. And he gave a simple minded people like you a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome which still consumes your life.
  12. Too bad you're not in Congress, then you could hold that honor, elitist liberal progressive prick.
  13. If AOC is so brilliant why was she working as a bartender when she ran for Congress?
  14. AOC is just a perfect example of how left wing liberal progressive socialist Marxists have fucked up the educational system in the U.S. When AOC speaks she sound like a dim witted high school teenager.
  15. Wrong! It's the Democrats who are on their way out. Red wave inn 2022 and 2024 unless Democrats can figure out some way to steal the elections again.
  16. Yeah, he was almost killed by a Bernie Sanders supporter who was incited by Bernie's radical left wing Marxist rhetoric.
  17. China just recently launched a hypersonic missile into space which is capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to any target in the world while the Democrats, news media and late night comedians ridiculed and mocked President Trump for creating Space Force. Now who are the ones who look like naive uninformed fools?
  18. I thought Biden and Democrats were extremely popular with college students, so what is with all the "Fuck Biden" chants at college football games?
  19. With as stupid as the voters are in California I hope gasoline prices go to $10/gal in that totally fucked up state.
  20. Why will the price of crude start coming down when demand for crude will increase as economies reopen from the pandemic shut down? In combination with the increase in demand Biden's anti-energy policies have reduced supply which will put more upward pressure on energy prices. The West will once again be at the mercy of OPEC and Putin to supply both oil and natural gas. The U.S. was energy independent when Biden entered office, but not anymore. Now Biden is begging OPEC to increase oil supplies and lower prices.
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