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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That's because the term "propaganda" most accurately describes the articles you and comrade Golfer post.
  2. I see why you post articles from left wing propaganda blogs. Your mind is so fucking limited that you repeat the same boring comments over and over.
  3. This thread was intended for members to post their own thoughts, not to post articles from propaganda blogs. But since you have no ideas of your own I guess that's what you need to do. How sad.
  4. So you're saying the McAllen, Texas mayoral election didn't take place because I did not cite a source for my information?
  5. Sorry, but right now Republicans and Trump supporters run nothing in Washington, D.C. Democrats control the Presidency, Senate and House, comrade Golfer.
  6. And if anyone knows about being a douche bag it is you.😏
  7. I don't need to reference an article to post MY opinion. It's people like you who need to post other people's thoughts because you have none of your own.
  8. Your big hero John McCain killed the Republican healthcare bill.
  9. I don't have leaders. Elected officials are hired help, not leaders.
  10. But you are the fool who posted the photo of the toilet you had just cleaned in your parents' basement.😏
  11. Most of the people on this thread feel the same way about you and Gofer.
  12. Here is your source, fuckhead. Type in "Mayoral election in McAllen, Texas" in your browser and see how many stories pop up about a Republican being elected mayor in June 3 election.
  13. What was it you just said about disproving someone's claim and not just calling people names and cursing? You are such a phony.
  14. On June 3, 2021 the 85% Hispanic border city of McAllen, Texas elected a Republican mayor. This is the first Republican mayor for McAllen in 24 years. I guess the Biden administration's gaslighting about their immigration policy didn't work on the residents of McAllen who see with their own eyes what is really happening on our southern border.
  15. The Biden globalist Janet Yellen sold out American workers to the rest of the world at the G7 conference.
  16. I see the Russian agent Golfer and O_U812 are still severely afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome. I suggest suicide as a cure.
  17. Sounds like Swalwell continues to work on behalf of the Chinese Communist government. Fang Fang must have a tight hold on his balls.
  18. Barack Obama was the most racist president in the history of this country. If you read "Dreams From My Father" you will see that he has held a deep hatred for White middle class Americans from the time he was in high school.
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