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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The other day "Lurch", John Kerry, said that we have only 9 years to save the earth from climate change. With the way the Democrats have exploited the covid crisis to control the lives of Americans I hate to think of how they will use the climate "crisis" hoax to impose even more dire restrictions upon every aspect of American's lives. Like Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."
  2. Still doesn't change the fact that you are too much of a coward to join the military and do your part to protect the world. 😉
  3. "A source close to the White House" is code for this is a story someone at CNN made up.
  4. Too bad no one has told ANTIFA, BLM, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi that, "Violence is not the only way political voice is uttered in a democracy."
  5. So when are you going to your local military recruiter to enlist so that you can do your part to protect the world?
  6. And the price of all those products and services will increase because of the increased cost to operate a business. Therefore, the people receiving the minimum wage of $15/hr. will be no better off than they were when the minimum wage was $8 or $10 per hour.
  7. A lot more money than I received when Obama was president, and probably more than you earn in a year.
  8. Why is it when a liberal progressive Democrat hears a truth that they do not want to hear their first response is, "Shut The Fuck Up?" Showing the truth to Democrats is like showing the cross to Dracula.😉
  9. Both the Golfer and the Prick say they agree with the Biden policy of keeping troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Germany, but neither one of them is willing to enlist in the military. So they support sending other Americans off to risk their lives but not willing to do it themselves.
  10. No, I made a distinction between an organized insurrection (overthrow of a government) and an unorganized riot. How do you conduct an insurrection with no real weapons?
  11. There was no insurrection. It was a disorganized riot. If Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell had listened to the intelligence reports days before the riot they could have requested enough security so that the rioters would not have been able to get close to the doors of the Capitol Building.
  12. But you've still not told me why you won't join the military to protect this country while at the same time saying that we should have troops stationed around the world. Why don't you go do your part to protect the world?
  13. I'll be 75 in March so I don't think they want me anymore, and I've already spent my time as a soldier in a war zone. The truth is that you are a loud mouth coward who wants other people to shed their blood to protect your sorry ass. You are a disgrace to this country. If a foreign nation were to invade the U.S. you would be the first person to wave a white flag and bow in front of the invaders.
  14. So why don't you enlist in the military and go protect them, little ANTIFA snowflake?
  15. You fool, I was supporting Trump's policy of bringing our soldiers home from all over the world. It was the Golfer who is supporting Biden's policy of keeping troops in Germany, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Except he is too much of a coward to go himself.
  16. That's because people in Germany who wanted freedom were called criminals by the tyrants who ran the country. So those people left the tyrannical nation of Germany for freedom and economic opportunity in the U.S.
  17. You are really dumb. I'm opposed to a federal minimum wage because the cost of living is not the same in all parts of the country. Small businesses in rural Illinois cannot afford to pay the same minimum wage as the businesses in New York City or San Francisco.
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