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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. When is your fitting for your straight jacket? People need protection from you.
  2. The way I see it, Trump and Obama were the exact opposites of each other. The American people liked Obama's personality but disliked his policies as president. The American people disliked Trump's personality but liked his policies as president. With Ronald Reagan, Americans liked both his personality and his policies. As an American citizen and voter, a president's policies are much more important to me than is his personality. His personality does not affect average citizens personal lives, but his policies do.
  3. Just more proof of how stupid and sick the German people have become.
  4. No, it's the low life ANTIFA and BLM members like you who tear up capitals and cities, you little lying bastard child.
  5. The two unconstitutional impeachments of President Trump initiated by Democrat political hacks in Congress are the real signs of 'constitutional rot'.
  6. I thought you were intelligent, but apparently not. Of the last five presidents, Trump is the only one who has not gotten the U.S. involved in a new war. Also,Trump had been drawing down American troop occupation numbers around the world.
  7. Trump has caused the Washington D.C. establishment and people like The Golfer and The Prick to become certifiably insane. Almost time for straight jackets and padded rooms.
  8. I'm amazed at how you can make so many posts and say nothing that has anything to do with reality.
  9. Yeah, all those people who lost their jobs when he closed down the Keystone Pipeline love him.
  10. Hate to tell you this, but Trump was acquitted today. The impeachment trial is over.😉
  11. Trump still has strong support in the Republican Party, and anyone who voted to impeach or convict him will have a very difficult, if not impossible time winning the Republican Party nomination for any office they run for.
  12. So what? It means nothing. Just another piece of paper in a meaningless file. And the affidavit was nothing but hearsay anyway.
  13. Is that what Putin wants , little Russian agent? Is he afraid Trump would be reelected in 2024?
  14. That's because you don't understand the American people and American politics. Has nothing to do with whether Trump does or does not run in 2024. Those Republican Senators are finished in the Republican Party. No way can they win another election without the support of the people who voted for Trump in the 2020 election.
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