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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. They've got 5 days for a trial in the Senate. Also, they need 67 votes in the Senate for conviction. Think they can get that done? Hell, it'll take those clowns in the Senate at least five days just to decide where everyone is suppose to sit for the trial.
  2. Both of Trump's impeachments were just part of the Washington D.C. establishment swamps' attempt to get rid of Donald Trump in the past, present and future. The American people are the ones who will ultimately make that decision, not the swamp dwellers in Washington D.C.
  3. He's walking the streets with a rifle in his hand? You must get your news from CNN or MSNBC.
  4. To be impeached by members of the swamp is a badge of honor. He was elected twice and by a larger margin the second time. The second election was stolen from him.
  5. Sounds like sour grapes from a disgruntled former employee who thought he was president.
  6. When was the last time the Washington Post told the truth about anything? More anonymous sources who work at the Washington Post fabricating another story?
  7. With the Democrat cancel culture mob I wonder if my bank accounts will be frozen and my Social Security payment stopped?
  8. Democrats don't want President Trump just impeached, they want him executed.
  9. How long before some person in the Democratic Party or the news media recommends that President Trump's birth certificate be cancelled?
  10. She wasn't convicted because she destroyed all the evidence that would have sent her to prison for a long time. Also, Trump has not been convicted of any crime either.
  11. If Trump is so hated by the American people it seems to me that the Democrats would be thrilled about him running for president in 2024. Or do the Democrats want Trump banned from running in 2024 because they know that Trump beat Biden in a landslide in 2020 and would beat Biden or Harris again in 2024?
  12. And what do you know about reality? Watch what happens in the 2022 election to the ten Republicans who voted for impeachment. Also, with no hearings and no witnesses this appeared more like a lynching than an impeachment.
  13. Think the Senate can complete an impeachment trial in six days? After Jan. 20 Donald Trump is a private citizen and the U.S.Senate has no Constitutional authority to try a private citizen.
  14. Tell me something I don't already know, Mr. Know Nothing from the U.K.
  15. Where did you study economics, Moscow, Being, or Havana? The economy under Biden will stagnate, the deficit will balloon and inflation will accelerate. A repeat of Jimmy Carter's economy.
  16. No, Stacey Abrams gets that job as a reward for stealing the Presidential and Senate races in Georgia.
  17. Corporate donors kiss the ass of whoever is in power in order to get legislation and federal regulations that are favorable to their businesses. Democrats now control everything in Washington D.C. so that is whose asses corporate CEOs are going to kiss.
  18. If Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, or Ben Sasse is the Republican presidential candidate in the 2024 election I will not even waste my time voting.
  19. And the more Republican politicians abandon President Trump the faster their ratings will drop.
  20. And the vast majority of those people were released the next day.
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