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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The Chinese will be changing the gene pool in your country when Australia becomes their colony. No longer will your gene pool be made up only of criminals that Britain rid their country of.
  2. After Joe and the Democrats take over, Trump supporters probably won't even be allowed to live in their own homes. The liberal progressive socialist Marxist Democrats will most likely evict us so that all the new illegal aliens will have a place to live.
  3. You are the one who has a distorted reality. Distorted by your own hatred and evil. That's probably why you are a Democrat. Doom and gloom is all that there is to a Democrat's reality.
  4. Since the military has taken over the U.S. Capitol I wonder if Biden will be wearing a military uniform when he is sworn into office on Wednesday?
  5. Still full of hatred, anger and pain because your mommy and daddy didn't love you and didn't want you?
  6. America is not filled with racism, sexism and hatred. You and the person who wrote this article are the ones filled with hatred. Better look inside at your own sickness.
  7. You got exactly what you wanted out of the elections, so why are you still so angry and full of hate?
  8. Democrats' authoritarian manner of ruling the American people will make Donald Trump even more popular.😉
  9. The reason they have lost viewers is because their news and non-primetime programs have become more and more like CNN and MSNBC.
  10. When are you going to learn how to write a sentence that makes sense?
  11. Nice how you deny reality. Republicans actually gained seats in the House and never lost one incumbent House race in the 2020 election.
  12. You need to think farther than the end of your nose. Do you believe there are 17 Republican Senators willing to commit political suicide? If they vote to convict Trump, how do they win their next election without Trump voters? Do you really believe Democrat voters will vote for a Republican instead of the Democrat candidate? Mitch was just reelected for 6 more years and he will most likely retire at the end of those six years, so he has nothing to lose. But it's not the same for Republican Senators who are looking to continue their political careers. It also sounds as if Democrat Joe Manchin will not vote for conviction, so they might need 18 Republicans.
  13. Just like all the money that "Sleepy Joe" plans on spending on his U.S. recovery programs.
  14. Why would they want to do that? Ever think about helping yourself?
  15. It might for Australia. Good luck getting Biden to protect you from China.😉
  16. Actually, he'll probably enjoy getting out of Washington, D.C. and living the life of a golf playing billionaire. The people who will suffer gloom, despair, and agony will be the American people as the Democrats destroy the country.
  17. Loot and burn, that's the liberal, progressive Democrat answer to everything.
  18. My answers are better than Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, or Ben (the ass) Sasses' answers.
  19. You are so dumb. First) Senate does not reconvene until Jan. 19. Second) In the new Senate there will be 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, and 67 votes are needed for conviction. Third) After Jan. 20 Trump will be a private citizen and the Congress has no legal authority to try him. The only people causing chaos now are Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the rest of the insane Democrats in Washington D.C.
  20. Unfortunately, there are a number of Republican clowns in the Senate too.
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