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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You mean Mitch, the establishment swamp dweller, who is finally showing who he really is?
  2. So the videos I've seen of the caravan on Fox and CNN are my imagination ?
  3. If Hillary Clinton pays enough money Christopher Steele might be able to create another phony dossier for her to use as proof that Trump and Putin colluded to plan the Jan.6 invasion of the U.S. Capitol Building.
  4. The state of California has been tightly locked down for almost a year while the state of Florida has allowed a more open economy. A years worth of data now shows that the states have almost identical rates of covid-19 infections.
  5. There is a steel mill about fifty miles from where I live that closed while Barack Obama was president and reopened while Donald Trump was president. Wonder how the people who work in that factory are going to feel when Biden's economic policies cause the steel mill to close again and we start importing all our steel from China and other foreign nations just as we did when Obama was president?
  6. Ask American working people if they think Trump did damage to the U.S. Like I said, you have no idea what is really happening in the U.S. because the news media has a ring in your nose that they lead you around with. Trump is not close to being God, but he is a hell of a lot better than anyone the Democrat/Republican establishment swamp dwellers have to offer the American people.
  7. I wonder if it will take one or two years for Biden's energy policies to cause $6/gal. gasoline in my state of Illinois?
  8. The only news you will be able to watch in a few years will be the Chinese Government state run news which is not much different from CNN and MSNBC.
  9. I was definitely making sense. Too bad you don't understand, so I'll say it another way. For four years the news media has been putting out phony stories about what Trump was going to do, and people like you keep falling for them. And you don't even realize that you've been duped by the media when the predicted action never materializes.
  10. No. That's just another Fake News story for consumption by gullible ill-informed people like you who are still dumb enough to believe the news media. You are probably still waiting for Trump to fire Robert Mueller like the news media told you he was going to do.
  11. Since Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen doesn't trust the U.S. National Guard to protect Joe Biden maybe the Democrats could get the Chinese army to keep "Sleepy Joe" secure from the American people.
  12. With Trump leaving office the executives at CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, and The New York Times are most likely in panic. Their coverage of Trump is the only reason Trump haters have watched their tv programs and read their newspapers. Now that Trump is gone the Trump haters will have no reason to view those media sources anymore.
  13. Even with Trump gone you will still be afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome. I think you are beyond cure.
  14. 8000 person caravan now on it's way to our southern border from Central America thanks to Joe Biden's promise to open the border to immigrants. Thanks, Joe.
  15. According to an NBC poll taken yesterday President Trump has an 87% approval rating among Republicans. Not good news for the 10 Republicans who voted for impeachment in the House nor for any Republican who votes to convict Trump in the Senate. 😉
  16. It seems Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats in Congress are upset with the Capitol police because they didn't shoot enough White people on Jan.6.
  17. Go watch the titties then, mental midget, and get the hell out of this thread.
  18. How are you doing with your Chinese language classes? Republican Party in ruins? You amaze me with your ignorance and stupidity.
  19. I'm very happy and proud to live in any land that is opposite your land of insanity, hatred and lies.
  20. But you had no reality to run out of because you have never had any. As a Democrat your whole life has been one big lie.
  21. That's what I would expect from a stupid socialist. No thank you. I'm already retired and live in MY OWN home, not in one of your socialist human warehouses. To me the words socialist and parasite are interchangeable.
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