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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That's because you don't pay taxes and own nothing. You want a government that will take from hard working people and give to losers like you.
  2. But what YOU really are is an insignificant nothing. None of the change you want is positive. There is nothing wrong with America nor the American people . Americans are good decent human beings. The problem with America is Washington, D.C. and the elitist ruling class in that city who rule the country with no regard for the wishes of the American people.
  3. ANTIFA members in America are anything but anti fascists. They are violent, hate filled, Marxist punks whose stated mission is the overthrow of the U.S. government.
  4. And I hope this guy spends a number of years in a federal prison for his stupidity.
  5. Because that bill had a bunch of bullshit stuff in it that had nothing to do with Covid-19 relief. The bill that was finally passed into law was a bill that Nancy Pelosi rejected in September, 2020 because she did not want Trump to receive credit for any relief legislation before the election.
  6. The Senate is now 50/50. It takes a 2/3 vote by the Senate to remove a president from office. A second impeachment would not disqualify Trump from running in 2024 unless the Senate confirms the impeachment and specifically bans him from running again for public office as part of the impeachment. Any Republican Senator who votes to remove Trump from office is finished in the Republican Party. Please explain to me how any Republican can win a presidential election without the support of the 74 million people who voted for Trump.
  7. Shows where their priorities are. They can prepare articles of impeachment within a matter of hours, but it took them six months to get badly needed covid-19 emergency help to the American people. That's because Congress does not give a damn about the American people. Their only concern is attaining power and personal wealth. President Trump will be leaving office on Jan.20, so why waste time on impeachment when that time could be spent helping American citizens who are still suffering from Covid-19 and the economic shutdown?
  8. So says the little ANTIFA snowflake who sees the whole world through a series of liberal progressive shallow minded stereotypes that have been poured into his brain. I'm sorry that your mother and father did not want you and were so cruel and evil, but I had nothing to do with it. So please direct your anger for the sad painful life that they gave you at them and not at me. I'm sad that you turned out to be such a pathetic excuse for a human being. Now could you please crawl back under your rock and eat some more bugs and leave us real human beings alone.
  9. Right now, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Sundar Pichai (Google), in alliance with the Democratic Party represent the biggest threat to freedom of speech in America in my lifetime.
  10. In my opinion, the speeches given by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris about the Capitol Building invasion were intended to incite violence among Black people in America.
  11. Once Trump is gone the new target of the bigoted liberal progressive Democrats will be White middle class Americans.
  12. The person in Washington, D.C. who is mentally unhinged is Nancy Pelosi. Some of that Botox must have seeped into her brain.
  13. They died from covid-19 that the Chinese Communist Government purposely unleashed upon the world.
  14. President Trump didn't concede the election. He conceded that he has run out of legal options to overturn the election and as a result Joe Biden will be sworn in as president on Jan. 20.
  15. Did he die of covid-19 or did the Chinese Communist Government have him killed to silence him?
  16. The real reason Twitter and Facebook banned the speech that Trump gave the day of the rally in Washington, D.C. is not because they fear it will incite violence, it's because they do not want people to see what Trump actually said as opposed to the lies that they and the Democrats are spreading about his speech.
  17. I don't hate Blacks, but I do despise BLM which is a communist organization disguised as a Black civil rights organization. You left out the fact that the guy was an admitted BLM member.
  18. No, that's what you do apparently because that's all you ever talk about.
  19. You label anyone that you disagree with a racist. That's the lefts tactic to shut people up.
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