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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Impeach a president and remove him from office in a period of 12 days. lol. A member of Congress can't make a decision on whether or not he/she should go to the restroom without first forming a committee to weigh the pros and cons of such an action and then the committee taking three days to make a decision.
  2. This is just a bunch of bluster by the ignorant swamp dwellers. They're just trying to make political hay out of the Capitol Building being invaded. Pence has already said he is not going to invoke the 25th Amendment.
  3. What Nancy Pelosi and a bunch of other swamp dwellers in Washington, D.C. really fear is that President Trump will declassify documents before he leaves office that will reveal all the corruption that has been taking place in Washington D.C. for years. They also fear that Trump will pardon someone like Julian Assange who then would be free to reveal more information about people like Hilary Clinton and other members of the swamp.
  4. Not nearly as unbalanced as members of the Democratic Party.😉
  5. If they impeach Trump again does he get a trial where he is allowed to defend himself or are Nancy Pelosi and and Chuck Schumer just planning on conducting an impeachment lynching where there is no hearing and no trial. What they are really trying to do is make sure Trump is ineligible to run for president again in 2024. Sane people can see that this is a joke. There are 12 days left in Trump's presidency. Does any sane person actually believe that the House can hold an impeachment hearing, vote to impeach, hold a trial in the Senate and then vote to remove Trump from office all within 12 days?
  6. Right now, Trump is the GOP because he has the voters. Those people rejected the establishment candidates in 2016 for Trump because the establishment candidates did not do what the voters wanted them to do. Every president after Ronald Reagan has sold out the American middle class to China and the rest of the world. 90% of the products purchased at Walmart in the U.S. are made in China or some country other than the U.S. Barack Obama told American workers that those factory jobs were gone for good. When Trump said that he would bring them back Obama mocked him and said"What is he going to do? Wave a magic wand?" Well,Trump brought them back and would have brought more had it not been for the pandemic.
  7. When people throw shit at me I throw shit back. If they want to be civil I will be civil.
  8. For 12 days? I don't think they can get an impeachment done in that amount of time.
  9. The politics of Trump is not dead with voters. Romney already had his chance and lost to Obama in 2012. Mitt stands for nothing. He doesn't even know what state he lives in or whether he is conservative or liberal. As Governor of Massachusetts he was a liberal, as a Senator from Utah and a presidential candidate in 2012 he tried to convince everyone that he was a conservative. He is a political opportunist who puts his finger in the air to determine which way the political winds are blowing. He will be and say whatever it takes to be elected. No core values. Sort of like Joe Biden.
  10. Then Pence needs to be impeached, since that would be a serious violation of the U.S. Constitution.
  11. It's you who has nothing interesting to say.That's why you keep repeating yourself.
  12. Ii see the crazy German politician is back. Too bad I can't understand a word he is saying,but I think I'm being cursed again.
  13. That's the best joke I've heard today. You definitely don't understand American politics. This man's political career is finished. He can never possibly get the Republican nomination again. He is hated by the base of the Republican Party. My aunt yesterday saw him on tv walking through an airport terminal and the people there booed him. The Jan.6 Hill-Harris poll had Trump with a 90% job approval rating among Republicans and Mitt Romney voted to remove Trump from office in the impeachment trial, and you believe Mitt can win the Republican nomination for president? Who in the Republican Party is going to vote for him? LMAO
  14. Again, the Vice President has no authority to call in the National Guard. The vice president does not have that power unless the president temporarily grants it to him or if the president is incapacitated and cannot fulfill his duties as Chief Executive. There is only one Commander in Chief.
  15. More of your fantasyland. The ship only has 12 more days to sail so they were going to leave anyway. The career politicians are turning on Trump because they want to looked upon favorably by the news media and the swamp dwelling establishment when Trump is gone.
  16. So you are admitting that "Sleepy Joe" was lying when he said that he would not raise income tax rates on people who earn less than $400,000/ year.
  17. And you are a fucking lunatic. Better go back to posting stories from the propaganda blogs because you have nothing to say that you have not said before.
  18. Looks like it's about time for another Botox injection. Maybe they could inject a brain at the same time.
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