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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You are the hate filled individual. That's your primary motivating force. I'm just interested as to where all that anger and hatred originates from. Were your parents cruel and unloving people?
  2. Probably most of the illegal behavior was instigated by ANTIFA members who infiltrated the crowd. And only person killed was a protester who was killed by the police.
  3. What do you and your fucking country know about basic democratic values?
  4. When is the computer company Dominion going to file its lawsuit against Sidney Powell? I say never, because if they file a lawsuit the company will need to present evidence in court that Sidney Powell slandered them. The last thing Dominion wants to do is have it's election records examined in court.
  5. At a news conference in Washington, D.C. today the mayor of Washington, D.C. called for Congress to make the District of Columbia a state. Please explain to me how statehood for the District of Columbia has anything to do with riots at the Capitol Building. I guess it's like Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."
  6. And it's none of your fucking business, little Russian agent. Save your bullshit remarks for Putin.
  7. That's what I would say of anyone who calls elected officials murderers just because they support a legal constitutional right to protest the certification of electoral college electors. None of them are responsible for the Capitol Building being invaded. The only people responsible for the Capitol Building being invaded are the people who did it.
  8. Cases of the flu are way down in the U.S. this flu season. Has covid-19 cured the flu or are cases of the flu being counted as cases of covid-19?😉
  9. Or you may wake up to the fact that the news media told a bunch of lies about Trump. Again, time will tell.
  10. When Ronald Reagan was president I despised the man. It was not until years later that I realized the reason I despised him was because I believed all the lies the news media had told about him. I now consider him one of our best presidents.
  11. That's the opinion of the news media and the ruling elite, not the American people. Too soon to be talking about history. Plus, almost all the academics who write history books are liberal progressives, so how fair and unbiased will they be?
  12. In my opinion, the voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election was so widespread, massive, and coordinated that the truth of the cheating can not be hidden forever. I expect that over the next one or two years the truth about this cheating will be revealed.
  13. Now Democrats can resume Barack Obama's war on middle class America. Especially, those evil White middle class Americans.
  14. Very simple.The people who invaded the Capitol Building yesterday should be arrested, tried, and if convicted sent to prison for their crimes; but that should also happen to all the ANTIFA and BLM members who have bee looting and burning our cities.
  15. Wonder if BLM will protest the Capitol police shooting and killing of an unarmed woman in the Capitol Building? I think not a chance in hell.
  16. What about the numerous videos of her years afterwards saying that Trump was an illegitimate president. Also, before the 2020 election Hillary told Biden to never concede, no matter what happened in the election.
  17. Wonder if Democrats still want to defund the police? If they had just sent unarmed psychologists to talk to the protesters yesterday instead of armed policemen maybe this could have all been avoided.
  18. Too bad people didn't get this upset when ANTIFA and BLM were looting and burning our cities this summer. If average American citizens' property is looted and burned by ANTIFA and BLM it's no big deal to those in Washington, D.C.; but if it's their Capitol offices being trashed it's the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of this country.
  19. You don't live here so I don't give a damn what you call it. You're opinion is irrelevant to me, since our internal problems are none of your business.
  20. As a matter if fact, the super rich donated to Biden's campaign, not to Trump's. If you are going to attack at least try to be a bit factual in your attacks.
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