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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Look at the CNN videos from MAY, 2020 and the video of their reporting on yesterday's events at the Capitol Building. Are you saying the CNN videos are a lie?
  2. Anyone remember the ISIS Caliphate that Obama allowed to be established in Syria and Iraq? Do you remember what happened to it shortly after Trump came into office? That's the difference between a president who is a doer and one who is an eloquent, flowery speaker but does nothing. I prefer the doer to the talker as president. 😉
  3. If you have the time go look at CNN's description of rioting by BLM and ANTIFA this summer and then compare it their description of the rioting at the Capitol Building on Wednesday. Fair and objective reporting? LMAO
  4. More Fake News by people who have know way of knowing what is going on in the White House, so they just make up stories that they know Trump haters want to hear. How many times did the Fake News say that Trump was going to fire Robert Mueller? Did he fire Bob Mueller?
  5. Trump's love was for the thousands of peaceful protesters, not the ones who invaded the Capitol Building. The people who stormed into the Capitol Building and destroyed property deserve to be thrown under a freight train.
  6. And Adam Kinzinger is a fool who wants to be a big man in the Republican Party.
  7. The news media, Democrats, and all of the elite establishment in this country have hammered Trump for five years. With all that negativity directed at him why do you think working class people still support him? It's not because they believe lies, it's because they see things in their personal lives that he has improved. They see the tax cuts in their paychecks every two weeks, they see more high paying factory jobs because Trump brought factories back to America with his trade policies. People in the military see a completely revamped military which Obama had depleted. Americans see much less government regulation in their lives. They see the wall being built on our southern border to decrease the flow of illegal aliens into this country, and it has worked to greatly reduce the number of people crossing the border. He put conservative justices on the Supreme Court who will make rulings based upon the law and the U.S. Constitution, not based upon their personal political ideology. Small businesses flourished because he got government off their backs with ridiculous regulations. He also made us energy independent,so that we no longer need to depend upon the Middle East for oil. As for your problem with China, the trade war with the Chinese was part of his strategy to weaken China's economy and thereby weaken their ability to build their military. With the tariffs he was forcing American businesses to relocate factories from China to the U.S. China had been using the money from it's massive trade surplus with the U.S. to finance the building of it's military. As far as Biden's promise to have Australia's back, just remember that Joe Biden is just like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, long on talk and short on action, and the Chinese know that. If China were to invade Taiwan in February, Joe Biden and the Democrats would do a lot of saber rattling, but take no meaningful action. Remember when Barack Obama drew a line in the sand about use of chemical weapons in Syria, and then did nothing when Assad gassed his own people? Then do you remember what happened when Assad tried that same shit with Trump? Trump took out a large part of Syria's military air power with precision missile strikes. That's a small part of the reason why I and 74 million American voters support President Trump.
  8. You mean just like Trump lied back in June when he said we could have a covid vaccine by the end of 2020?
  9. Who cares what you want or the financial criminal Maxine Waters wants.
  10. Foreign money collector for his father and the rest of the Biden family.
  11. Desk is too contaminated with Pelosi's stench for me to go anywhere close to it.
  12. Reaching? I saw with my own eyes a video of Maxine Waters telling a group of people that if they ever saw members of Trump's Cabinet out in public at gas stations, restaurants or anywhere else to get in their faces and tell them that they were not welcome there. What kind of behavior is that inciting?
  13. No, they are buying political favors and influence just like foreign countries are by giving money to Joe's son Hunter.
  14. I was? Swore I was watching on tv at my home in Illinois. In fact, I know I was because our dumb ass Democrat governor J.B.(Jelly Belly) Pritzker has banned out of state travel because of Covid.
  15. There you go again with your obsession about Trump's ass and shit. What terrible thing happened to you when you being potty trained?
  16. So is Bernie Sanders responsible for the person who shot Steve Scalise? Is Maxine Waters responsible for the people who attacked Rand Paul and his wife, and for the mob that chased Sarah Huckabee Sanders out of a restaurant?
  17. They gave much more to Biden,especially the big tech people who censored Trump and censored anti- Biden stories during the election campaign. Check the records. Also, I'm one of the little guys and I got a tax cut. You are the one who is brainwashed with DNC talking points.
  18. Trump had NOTHING to do with that. She is the one who chose to go into the Capitol Building and the police officer is the one who shot her, not Trump. Again, show me anywhere in Trump's speech where he told people to storm the Capitol Building or to commit violence.
  19. Please show me anywhere in the speech that Trump gave yesterday where he told people to go invade the Capitol Building or commit acts of violence. You can't, because it didn't happen.
  20. Wait until all the facts come out. 99% of the people at the rally were peaceful protesters. The idiots who broke into the Capitol Building should be arrested and prosecuted regardless of whether they were White Nationalists, Proud Boys, ANTIFA, BLM , or members of the Mickey Mouse Club.
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