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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And then the true authoritarians(Democrats) take over the U.S. presidency, and you are still stuck with Trudeau. LMAO
  2. But who do they mean by the Republican Party? Trump may be losing control of the party bureaucracy, but he has the support of Republican voters. Please explain to me how the anti-Trump establishment Republicans are going to win elections and raise money without the support of voters.
  3. I think you need to read the U.S. Constitution, dumb fuck. Also, I didn't hear you calling Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer a "sore loser" in 2017 when she did the same thing to Donald Trump that Sen. Hawley is doing. You are such a phony hypocrite.
  4. With every passing day Joe Biden gets closer to becoming an ex-president. As soon as he finishes taking the oath of office Barack Obama, Kamala Harris and the news media will implement their plan to take him out and make way for Kamala to be president. Once Joe takes office stories about the corrupt business dealings of Joe and his family will begin to show up in the main stream news media, along with stories about Joe's failing cognitive abilities. Hello and good-bye, Joe. 😉
  5. And you say I am brainwashed? Not only are you brainwashed, but you are also brain dead. I've heard that ignorant lie from fools like you for at least 60 years, and in that time period neither Social Security nor Medicare benefits have ever been cut.
  6. You are one big walking lie. But you are so unoriginal that even your lies are other people's thoughts that you just repeat like a parrot.
  7. True, because those Biden kiss asses will never ask him a question that makes him look bad.
  8. By the end of the Biden/Harris Administration Australia will most likely be no more than a colony of China.
  9. I'm still waiting for a reporter at CNN or MSNBC to ask "Sleepy Joe" to explain what a "One Horse Pony" is.
  10. Idiots like you make me angry? The title of this thread is "US Domestic Politics", so I couldn't care less what some ignorant fucking Aussie has to say about US domestic politics. Especially when that Aussie doesn't have the slightest idea of what he is talking about.
  11. The "Popular Posts" listings prove the validity of my statement.
  12. You throw around the term "projecting" but you don't even know what it means. How ignorant you are.
  13. That's because all you ever see are the photos and video clips by the biased liberal news media who make sure the public never sees Trump when he is laughing or smiling. That's how corrupt and evil they are.
  14. Joe Biden is the perfect poster face for the Democratic Party, the face of a grumpy angry old man.
  15. Who is the stupid CC member that determines what the popular posts are on this thread? Appears that he/she is a biased liberal asshole.
  16. Once Trump is out of office you may see a lot of his lawyers in court as he files defamation and slander lawsuits against numerous people for all the malicious lies that have been told about him and his family.
  17. Once Donald Trump leaves office the Golfer, Bug Eater, and all the other Trump haters will have nothing to talk about. How sad.
  18. When there is no cut in my monthly Social Security payment who should I believe, my own eyes or the bullshit propaganda put forth in this stupid internet story?
  19. But Joe didn't beat Trump. All Joe cares about is making money for his family from shady overseas business deals.
  20. Anyone who believes anything originating from CNN is a fucking idiot. CNN doesn't report news, they create news. News that fits their political agenda.
  21. Fuck public education champions. Teachers unions have destroyed public education by protecting incompetent teachers. Teachers unions care only about the welfare of their members and don't give a damn about students.
  22. Can't handle the truth, can you, little ANITFA snowflake coward?
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