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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. In the four years of Carl Bernstein covering the Donald Trump presidency this is the first time he has ever given names for his sources. That's probably because this is the first time he wasn't the source for the stories that he attributed to anonymous sources.
  2. Wow, we finally agree on something. I'm also glad you don't live here.
  3. He's already calling climate change a crisis. I can see Democrats trying to use the " climate crisis" to impose restrictions on American citizens' constitutional rights similar to what they have done with the covid crisis.
  4. Good. Now we know which Republican Senators to get rid of in the primaries when they come up for reelection.
  5. It will be interesting to see how many days it takes the corrupt Democrat machine to count the votes in Atlanta for the two Senate races in January. Let's see if Atlanta can steal the two Senate seats for the Democrats like they stole the presidential race for Biden in Georgia.
  6. No,America lost. But you should be happy because Joe Biden and John Kerry will kiss the UK and EUs' asses while selling out the American middle class just like Obama and Biden did during the Obama presidency.
  7. No wonder you have no idea of what is really happening in the U.S.
  8. So what's to keep them from illegally crossing your border like they had been crossing our southern border before Trump became president?
  9. And how the hell does someone in the UK know what happened over here? The news media? That's a joke.
  10. I just heard that the number of people congregating on our southern border has been increasing since Biden was proclaimed the winner. When Biden opens the border to illegal immigrants I hope the majority of them travel on into Canada.
  11. What the hell are you talking about? Maybe you need to learn how to read. Show me where I have recently said anything about the election results. Even though I sincerely believe that the election was stolen by Democrats in the cities of Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee I don't see the results being changed because the process has gone too far.
  12. John Kerry just confirmed that the U.S. will once again become the world's piggy bank under the Biden Administration.
  13. That info from another anonymous source? More made up bullshit from the laughable news media.
  14. Investigation is not over, dumb ass. If you weren't so fucking stupid you would know that the FBI has been investigating Hunter Biden since late 2019. Wonder if the new AG and Joe Biden will obstruct justice by stopping the investigation?
  15. But not one bad word from you toward the people who caused this whole mess in the first place, the Chinese Communist Government.
  16. Hopefully, when Antony Blinken testifies under oath at his Senate confirmation hearing someone will ask him what he talked to Hunter Biden about.
  17. Too bad someone hasn't replaced the sawdust in your head with a brain.
  18. Democrat U.S. Senator Joe Manchin has said that he will not support the Democrat's "scorched earth" policies. So even if the Democrats win both Senate races in Georgia they will still be at least one vote short of fulfilling their radical dreams.
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