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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. For the welfare of our nation I hope no widespread voter fraud is revealed by the Trump lawsuits, because if it is proven that cheating changed the outcome of this election all hell will break lose in this country.😱
  2. Who in America gives a damn what fucking Aussies think about OUR election? Americans couldn't care less about who is running Australia, so why would we care about Aussies' opinion of our election?
  3. Try to kick me out, little bug eating snowflake. Besides, if you and the rest of your party go ahead with your "scorched earth" policies America will be an authoritarian country within a couple years, so there would be no need for me to move anyway.
  4. Pennsylvania state law specifically states that any ballots received after 8:00pm on election day are not to be counted. What the Pennsylvania Supreme Court did to overturn that law is unconstitutional and that decision should be reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court. The ballots received after 8:00pm are illegal and should not be counted.
  5. But it's perfectly fine for other people to insult me, other Trump supporters, and my country, right?
  6. Joe Biden is a return to the past. The same old politics that benefit Washington D.C. establishment carer politicians at the expense of the American middle and lower classes. Americans voted Trump into office because they were tired of career politicians.
  7. Always. Just not happy about what will happen to my country in the next four years.
  8. She and Jessie Waters were not on Saturday night because Fox News was covering Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' victory speeches.
  9. Here we go again with your preoccupation with Trump's ass. Why are you so obsessed with his ass. Sounds like you might need some psychological counseling to get to the bottom of your obsession.
  10. You couldn't pass economics 0001. The only thing you know about economics is that mommy and daddy give you money and you spend it.
  11. You are the one who is an uninformed idiot pretending to be be so informed and intelligent. You are so fucking stupid that you don't even know what it means to be conservative. Next you'll be trying to convince me that Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski are conservatives.
  12. The conservative bulwark is happy that the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan was defeated by a liberal Democrat?
  13. With all the compromising information that Ukraine, China, Russia and other countries have on Joe Biden and his family because of their overseas business deals I wonder if our intelligence agencies will give Joe a security clearance?
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