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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. If Joe Biden is elected president the leadership in the Democratic Party and the news media will probably use Biden's mental condition and financial scandals to initiate a campaign to remove Biden from office so that Kamala Harris can become president.
  2. But if Trump loses your life will become meaningless. You'll have nothing to talk about.
  3. Article first appeared inn Salon? That's like posting an article from Pravda.
  4. If you don't want comments from other CC members then I suggest you use PM instead of the public forum.
  5. Biden used his positions a U.S.Senator and Vice President to enrich both his family and himself. Joe Biden has about as much character as Al Capone.
  6. In almost every way possible. You are so lost in your own lies that no one could ever explain to you.
  7. New headline from the AP on MSN: " Virus Surges in Key Election Battleground State". Told you the news media and Democrats would attempt to use fear of covid-19 to suppress Republican turnout in the election.
  8. But there is nothing to treat you because you are beyond treatment. Just another group think member of the liberal progressive Democrat sheep herd.
  9. What is really not appealing is a mental midget like you trying to convince everyone that he is intelligent.
  10. QAnon is about as relevant in this election as is the trilateral commission. Just another attempt by Democrats to distract from the real issues of this election like capitalism vs socialism, large government vs small government, or individual freedom vs government tyranny.
  11. So says the chauvinist in chief, Dave, who believes he needs to protect a woman who has demonstrated that she is perfectly capable of defending herself.
  12. And when is Biden going to tell us whether or not he plans to expand the size of the Supreme Court?
  13. You can't handle reality. And Barr isn't doing the investigation, dumbass, Durham is. That investigation has yet to be completed.
  14. She sounded more like a Biden campaign spokesperson than like a journalist.
  15. I suppose the truth is terrifying, cultish, and ignorant to someone as dishonest as you.
  16. No, the information that was hidden was information that would reveal the investigation to be a fraud. It was Hillary Clinton who colluded with Russian agents to get the whole Trump/Russia collusion investigation started.
  17. You fell for the Russia/Trump collusion hoax for over three years.
  18. Don't like the message so you attack the messenger, eh? No matter how much you smear Rudy it doesn't affect the truth of the emails on Hunter Biden's laptop computer does it? It also doesn't change the fact that Joe Biden received kick back payments from his son after Joe used his positions as Senator and Vice President to help Hunter Biden to procure money making deals in Ukraine, China and other nations. At least 30 years of corrupt behavior by "Sleepy Joe" and his family members. When will the news media make Joe answer in depth questions about the corruption?
  19. I still believe it will take a number of years to correctly evaluate what was the best strategy for handling the covid-19 pandemic. However, any evaluation must not only consider the number of deaths directly resulting from covid-19, but must also consider the long term negative effects of the policies instituted to fight covd-19. Hopefully, we will learn from the successes and mistakes and be better prepared to combat the next pandemic.
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