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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Harris didn't have a straight forward answer to any question that was asked of her.
  2. This article is very misleading. You need to watch the video of her news conference. She specifically said that this legislation was not meant for Trump, but was intended for future presidents. She then said that "the voters will take care of Trump."
  3. Too bad you don't have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. And what is your explanation for why 63million people voted for Trump in 2016?
  4. A Barack Obama appointed U.S. federal judge in Florida has just acted to suppress the vote by disallowing an extension of the deadline for registering to vote. The deadline had been extended by the governor because the online voter registration site had crashed shortly before the deadline.
  5. But if you didn't so deeply hate Trump would you have posted it?
  6. I just learned that 30% of the people who attend Trump rallies have never voted before, and also that many at the rallies are Democrats.
  7. According to the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution I'm not sure that Congress has the first say in the removal process. The way I read the Constitution it is the decision of the vice president and other members of the executive branch. Such a move by the Congress would definitely be a challenge to the "separation of powers "clause of the Constitution. Any such legislation would definitely end up in the Supreme Court for resolution.
  8. I can't believe that the AP has actually run a story about both Biden and Harris dodging questions about "packing" the Supreme Court. Hell must have frozen over.
  9. Too bad you didn't fully read the article. She said this legislation had nothing to do with President Trump, but was meant to be used if future presidents became physically or mentally unable to carry out their duties. Pelosi said "the voters will take care of President Trump." So she must be intending the legislation for Joe Biden or is planning on using it on Trump if he is reelected. But if Trump is reelected and she attempts to use the 25th Amendment to overturn the results of the election there is a very good chance that Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer and other Democrats will find themselves hanging from trees in front of the U.S. Capitol Building.
  10. Today Nancy Pelosi introduced a bill to make it possible for the Democrats to use the 25th Amendment to remove Joe Biden from the presidency if he is elected in 2020, and replace him with Kamala Harris because they know "Sleepy Joe" is incompetent.
  11. I know you don't, because you have never read it. And Nancy Pelosi behaves as if she has never read it.
  12. Exactly what do you mean by "SCORCH THE FUCKING EARTH!!" when you have all three chambers? Now you are sounding a lot like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin , and Mao. Could you please be a bit more specific about your scorched earth policy?
  13. Sorry, you don't get to shut me up with that lie, little Stalinist.
  14. Typical response from a liberal progressive. Any time someone exposes their hypocrisy about racism and sexism they claim that person is being racist and sexist.
  15. Yesterday the news media asked "Sleepy Joe" if he would pack the Supreme Court if he were elected president. Biden replied, ' He would tell them after he was elected, because if he told them now that is all the media would talk about.' I thought it was the the job of the news media in an election to inform voters as to what a candidate is going to do if elected to office.
  16. So Kamala Harris wants to be VP and be treated as an equal to men, but as soon as she receives some criticism from a man she claims racism and sexism; and then, retreats to hide behind the color of her skin and her pussy. As Harry Truman once said about politics, "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen."
  17. So says the person who has never had an original thought his entire life.
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