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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. People go to grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, big box stores, barber shops, bars, etc. during this pandemic, so they can go vote in person. Covid is just an excuse used by the Democrats to push mail-in voting because they know it is much easier to manipulate vote counts and get away with voting fraud with mail-in ballots than it is with in person voting.
  2. And an intolerant Stalinist like you would probably have the guy executed with no trial for just flying the flag.
  3. Registration law is set by each state individually and the actual registration process is handled by the county governments in those states.
  4. I figured a little Stalinist like you would agree with that and once you make the Democratic Party the only legal political party in the country you can send all of us who don't accept your liberal progressive socialist Marxist ideology to reeducation camps to get our minds straight, right?
  5. More propaganda from the New YorkTimes with more anonymous sources. Most likely the only sources for this story are the people who wrote it. Same old garbage.
  6. Democrats never fail to make everything political. One problem. One of the kidnappers actually posted on social media statements of hatred toward Donald Trump and hatred of all government, so the guy was more of an anarchist than he was a militia member. Gov. Whitmer fails to mention all the hate filled rhetoric that has been hurled at Trump by Democrat politicians, the news media, and Hollywood celebrities.
  7. And what happens to the original 50,000 ballots? Did the state recover them, or will thousands of those ballots show up in the vote count on election day?
  8. Fraud or no fraud, large scale mail-in voting will cause an election nightmare because of things like this. Final results of numerous elections will not be known for days or weeks after election day which will result in numerous lawsuits by both Democrats and Republicans. It will be total chaos.
  9. And if Democrats controlled the senate right now they would deny Trump's pick just like the Republicans did to Obama's appointment. The difference now is that the Republicans control both the presidency and the senate. That's how the process works. The Democrats now want to blow up the whole process just because they didn't get their way. Why stop with the filibuster and courts, why don't the Democrats go "full scorched earth" like you suggested and pass legislation to make the Democratic Party the only legal political party in the nation?
  10. And the new American flag will be a white flag of surrender to China.
  11. Not if AOC gets her way with the New Green Deal. AOC wants all air travel discontinued. For her this is a perfect start for that plan.
  12. "Nonpartisan group". LMAO Even Bob Dole doesn't buy that . Dole said he is friends with all three of the Republicans on the commission, and said that not one of the three is a Trump supporter. Bet all the Democrats on the commission are Biden supporters though.
  13. Unfortunately, in the U.S. I don't trust media moderators. The moderator of the last VP debate has written a very pro Hillary Clinton book. The moderator of the next debate, which will probably not take place, worked as an intern for Joe Biden when Biden was a senator and then was a member of Sen. Ted Kennedy's staff.
  14. Our system was very similar to that until Democrats pushed for early voting, and the elimination of voter ID. Democrats also resist removing the names of dead people and people who have moved from the voter rolls. Any attempts to require voter ID or to purge voter rolls is called voter suppression by Democrats.
  15. I don't like how the moderators handle debates. I think they have too much power, especially when they are allowed to decide what the topics and questions will be in the debate. I think moderators should be no more than question readers and timekeepers. The debate topics and questions should come from the candidates with each candidate presenting a predetermined number of questions to the moderator an hour or two before the debate. After asking a question, the moderator should keep his or her fucking mouth shut until it is time to ask another question. They could use a warning bell to notify candidates that their time for answering is coming to an end and 30 seconds after the bell rings that candidate's mic could be turned off by a computer.
  16. Most states in the U.S. are accustomed to in person voting on election day or early voting for a number of days preceding election day with absentee voting being allowed for people who are unable to vote in person. Therefore, they are not equipped to handle a massive volume of mail-in votes.
  17. 50,000 incorrect ballots were just sent to voters in Ohio. Yep, no problems with mail-in voting.
  18. Gen. Michael Hayden is just another Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwelling deep stater who is upset that Trump is bringing troops back home and hasn't gotten us involved in another war in Syria.
  19. I just saw on MSN a Politico headline that reads "BIDEN MOVES TO STAVE OFF SURPRISE LOSS IN NEVADA". I thought the election was a sure bet for Biden.
  20. That's why people hate politicians because they are deceitful lying bastards. Is that how you operated as a politician? Americans are fed up with that type of people, that is why they elected the non-career politician Donald Trump. You don't understand, I hate almost all politicians and I don't give a damn about the Republican Party because for the most part they are a bunch of gutless wimps who are afraid to stand up to the liberal progressive socialist Marxist Democrats and news media. All they worry about are their fucking political careers. They don't give a damn about the American people. Their only purpose for being elected is so that they can be reelected and continue to live off the American taxpayer.
  21. In a story by the Boston Globe a new study shows that Trump could be leading on election night but lose by week's end. Told you the election will be a nightmare because of massive mail-in voting. Many mail-in ballots will be disqualified, will be lost in the mail, will arrive at polling places after legal deadlines, and fraudulent ballots will be cast. This election will be a zoo because of the Democrats insistence on massive mail-in voting, and further divide the country and undermine Americans' trust in our election process. That is exactly what the Russians have been trying to achieve, and now the Democrats through their actions will help the Russians to achieve their goal..
  22. Why don't you go to a small uninhabited island somewhere in the middle of an ocean so that we will have peace and quiet?
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