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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You mean like your video clips of Hitler and photos of skunks?
  2. I thought the Democrats said walls don't work. I guess that only applies to our southern border.
  3. The way to liberate Michigan and the rest of America is to vote all the fucking Democrats out of office.
  4. Yeah, a stupid idiot like you probably actually believes that Trump was in on the plot. Such an ignorant and insane statement on your part. It's because of such statements that no one takes you seriously. You are a clown.
  5. Now that President Trump has said that he will not take part in a virtual debate maybe "Sleepy Joe" can debate himself by comparing the positions he took on issues in the Democrat primaries compared to the exact opposite positions he is now taking on those issues. COME ON MAN, let's see you explain the contradictions.
  6. And I'm still waiting for Kamala Harris to give a straight answer to the questions that were asked of her.
  7. So what do the actions of some idiots have to do with anything? What the hell did they expect to accomplish by doing something so stupid? Gov. Whitmer will probably use this as an excuse to ban all protests against her and Biden in the state of Michigan.
  8. You don't even have the ability to talk for yourself. That's why you resort to posting video clips instead.
  9. I perfectly well understand all the phony hit job stories put out by the main stream press and media.
  10. In last night's debate I couldn't believe that Kamala Harris actually celebrated the fact that the BIden/Harris campaign has the support of Republican Washington D.C. establishment swamp dwellers. Opposition to the establishment swamp dwellers is the very reason Trump won the 2016 primary and general elections. Thank you, Kamala.
  11. Everyday you reveal how stupid you and your Democrat cult is with the comments you post on here.
  12. Who would believe anything a New York Times reporter writes? Notice that the sources are always anonymous? That's most likely because the reporter who wrote the story is the only source for the story.
  13. NO, I think I perfectly described the Democratic Party and followers like you. Your video clip revealed that thugs like you do not believe that Trump supporters should even be allowed to express their views through bumper stickers. I've noticed around here lately someone has been removing Trump signs from Trump supporters yards. That doesn't surprise me too much though given the authoritarian intolerant Stalinist nature of Democrats like you.
  14. I didn't know this fucking fool Keith Olbermann was still on tv. He's been fired so many times for being totally insane and such an obnoxious prick.
  15. The Democratic Party is a cult which is adored by morons like you.
  16. At least he doesn't eat bugs, which is more than you can say. And wasn't it you that complained about people calling other people names? Typical Democrat hypocrite.
  17. No, based upon information from doctors who have been successfully treating patients with hydroxychloroquine.
  18. Your mind is so fucking simple and limited. Never a new thought. Even you insults are recycled by you.
  19. All Nancy Pelosi cares about is more political power for her and the Democratic Party. Then she can use that power to control American citizens' lives.
  20. I told you before, dumb ass, Cuomo could have sent those people to one of the two new hospitals that President Trump provided for New York. Instead, those hospitals were hardly even used by the governor.
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