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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Wishing someone to die. That's exactly what I would expect from an intolerant authoritarian German like you.
  2. So Black people who vote for Trump rather than voting for Joe Biden aren't Black, right? Seems I heard that line before. lol
  3. You remind me of the political pundits' so loved undecided voters who are supposedly so thoughtful and enlightened in their process of choosing a political candidate to support. When in reality they are people who are so wishy-washy that they have no core beliefs of their own, so they try to pick the winning side in order to be accepted and loved by the winners. In other words,they wait to see where the majority is and then kiss their asses to gain acceptance and adulation.
  4. You probably missed the story about the Virginia governor having covid-19 because the "so fair and unbiased" MSNBC and CNN did report on it since it didn't fit their destroy Trump and Republicans political agenda.
  5. No way a true non-partisan could ever watch CNN and MSNBC and conclude that they are fair and objective news sources. So that just proves to me that you are not non-partisan. The prime time people on FOX do not claim to be non-partisan news people. For the most part they are political commentators who are conservative. But at CNN and MSNBC their prime time people pretend to be impartial news reporters when anyone with a fair mind can easily see that they are extremely biased in favor of liberal progressive ideology and Democrats who promote that ideology.
  6. Sorry, my bad. I confused your comments with those of Maxfactor. He is critical of President Trump, but he is much more fair and objective in his criticism of Trump than are the bug eater and the golfer.
  7. BLM and ANTIFA are the rioters. You should know that firsthand since you are a member of ANTIFA.
  8. You are so uninformed. I saw a video last week of a leader of BLM and a leader of Proud Boys together condemning White Supremacists. Go figure?
  9. CNN and MSNBC has been trying to convince people that Trump is in worse condition than the doctors are revealing, but if he leaves the hospital next week completely recovered they will begin saying it was a hoax and that he was never sick.
  10. Thought your post was really clever, didn't you? Until I pointed how evil and sick it was.
  11. Has the BBC shown the video of President Trump speaking from Walter Reed Hospital? Or will they not allow you to see it?
  12. So people being infected with covid-19 is a joke to you? Do you also hope all the people infected in the White House die?
  13. And the way Trump supporters are portrayed on the internet is not the Trump supporters that I know. They are just normal American citizens. And I resent a German calling 63 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump "MAGA idiots".
  14. I didn't blame the Virginia governor for his infection. I was just saying how is it fair to blame Trump for Trump's infection and not blame the governor for the governor's infection? Appears to be a double standard to me.
  15. Couldn't find out anything about the Virginia Governor and his wife being infected? Kind of shows how dishonest the news media is. Better find some new sources for your information.
  16. But I see people from from all races, religions. sexes, and sexual orientations supporting Trump.
  17. Not Russia collusion with Trump. Intel Committee said Russia tried to interfere in our election, did not say they colluded with Trump or Trump campaign.
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