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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Trump is able to draw a bigger crowd as a patient in a hospital than Joe Biden can draw at a campaign rally.
  2. According to the original prediction by the Imperial College of London the U.S. would suffer 2.2 million deaths from covid-19 with no mitigation policies. 207 thousand deaths is a lot less than 2.2 million, so we must have done something right. I wish no one had died, but unfortunately that is what happens in a pandemic.
  3. You are wasting your time. The Trump haters on here will just ignore the facts you posted and call it all Republican propaganda.
  4. How could he spread it to his supporters when he never left the vehicle which had all the windows rolled up and he was wearing a mask?
  5. Yes, I have no problem with absentee voting for people who can't get to the polling site. But I do have a problem with mail-in voting for everyone. The more mail-in voting there is the more chance there is for fraudulent voting. And I don't believe the story about your father being 84 nor that he is voting for Trump. In my opinion, you are too young to have an 84 year old father.
  6. So Trump was right about there being problems with mail-in voting. Vote in person and you don't have those problems.
  7. I thought the new conspiracy was that Trump was never sick. You Trump haters can't even keep your conspiracies straight.
  8. No. Just trying to set the record straight. I don't mind being criticized for things that I actually said, but I'm not going to accept criticism for things I never said.
  9. Like I said before. Apparently you can't even read, or are just naturally dishonest because I never ever said those things about Robwin.
  10. Like I said before. Apparently you can't even read, or are just naturally dishonest.
  11. Yes. But the mainstream medical establishment has not accepted it. Type in "doctors using hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid-19" and see what you find.
  12. From what I know about it as a treatment for covid-19 I will ask for it if I become infected with the virus.
  13. No. The drug has been so trashed by the news media and the medical establishment that doctors may be afraid to give it to him for fear of being criticized and because they have no firsthand experience in administering the drug for covid-19.
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