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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I wear a mask anytime I go out and stay as far away from people as is physically possible, you stupid son of a bitch. You are probably a phony like Nancy Pelosi who insists everyone wear a mask and then doesn't do it herself.
  2. Watch it, you are in danger of revealing that you and the golfer are the same person. And you were accusing me of having multiple accounts on CC. lol
  3. Who is blaming the opposition? I'm just saying why is Trump responsible for his becoming infected, but the Democrat governor of Virginia is not responsible for the governor's infection? Sounds like a perfectly valid question to me?
  4. Repeating the same stupid line over and over won't work either. You are so mentally limited.
  5. Tell that to doctors who have been successfully treating covid-19 patients with the drug. I trust their judgement more than the opinion of a bug eating member of ANTIFA.
  6. It has everything to do with the issue. People on here are saying Trump became infected because he refused to wear a mask. The governor of Virginia wore a mask and had mandated one of the most stringent covid-19 policies in the nation, but still became infected. How do you explain the governor's infection?
  7. If President Trump is a "corona denier" why did he stop travel to the U.S. from China and Europe? Why did he do everything that Dr.Fauci and Dr.Birx recommended to fight the disease?
  8. I play the game and wear a mask whenever I go out, but I don't have that much confidence that it actually provides much protection. I've heard numerous doctors say that only surgical masks of the type used in hospitals provide protection from the virus. The other masks just give people a false sense of security and help politicians and medical bureaucrats pretend that they are doing something meaningful to fight covid_19.
  9. I saw a video of President Trump walking from the White House to a helicopter to be transported to Walter Reed Medical Center. How long before some idiot at CNN or MSNBC says that the tape was a fake and that Trump was unconscious and receiving oxygen while being carried from the White House on a stretcher?
  10. Maybe they need to consult with the doctors over here on the proper method to treat patients with hydroxychloroquine.
  11. Who gives a damn what some dumb ass Trump hating reporter thinks? Where is the factual evidence for her skepticism? Just another brain dead MSNBC reporter with diarrhea of the mouth trying to start another conspiracy story.
  12. Still doesn't change the fact that your comment blaming Trump for all of the 200,000+ deaths in the U.S. from covid-19 was an ignorant statement.
  13. And according to a number of experts over here who have treated patients with hydroxychloroquine for over 50 years in some cases, the side effects are minimal to nonexistent if given in the proper dosage. Tylenol is sold over the counter with no prescription required, but if over dosed Tylenol is deadly.
  14. Have you ever read Dr. Robert. Atkins " Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution"? if not, I suggest you read it. In addition to being a nutritionist, Dr. Atkins is a cardiologist. I know from personal experience that his diet works in controlling weight. I strictly adhered to the diet for 10 years and during that time maintained my weight at 145 lbs.
  15. Keep on making a fool of yourself by displaying your limited intellect. I love it. Better go back to posting videos since your mind has nothing to add to this conversation.
  16. You are trying to communicate with an indoctrinated moron. He will never accept anything you say no matter how many facts you present, and no matter how much documentation you provide for those facts.
  17. Hydroxychloroquine is most effective as a treatment for covid-19 in the early stages of the disease, not with people who are in desperate shape.
  18. I know so, you fucking idiot. I've seen a number of the doctors being interviewed on t.v. Maybe you need to watch something other than MSNBC and CNN, and read something other than The New York Times and The Washington Post.
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