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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That it came from China is not a theory it is a reality. And there is more and more evidence coming forward that the virus originated in a Chinese lab.
  2. Now the governor of California says when people eat at a restaurant they should wear their masks between bites of food.
  3. And if all those people fully recover within a week or two what does that say about the disease?
  4. RW conspiracy theories from epidemiologists from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford. I guess the thoughts of a bug eating child have more credibility than the theories of medical experts.
  5. Laugh as you destroy your economies while still suffering from the virus because of a covid-19 strategy that does not work.
  6. No, I'm a realist who wants to find a cure and solve this problem, so that no one else dies from it, and so that we can go back to living normally..
  7. My prediction, hydroxychloroquine will be approved as a treatment for covid-19 after the 2020 election.
  8. Sob stories don't solve problems. And people isolating from each other and living in constant fear is imaginable too.
  9. How is this: Dr. Marin Kulldorff of Harvard, Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, and Dr. Jayanta Bhattachanya of Stanford.
  10. If Biden had spoken in favor of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment every doctor in the country would now be using it to treat covid-19 patients. The establishment has condemned the drug primarily because Trump talked favorably of it.
  11. So that means a vaccine won't work either, right? Sorry, but I trust the opinions of epidemiologists from Oxford, Stanford and Harvard more than your opinion.
  12. And now Dr.Fauci has said that even with a vaccine we still shouldn't return to normal behavior.
  13. So maybe what they've discovered is that the drugs work best when administered early in the disease rather than later. That has been the argument of the doctors who have been successfully treating covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine. The drug is most effective when used early in the disease in combination with other drugs.
  14. I do not consider Dr.Fauci to be the only expert on covid-19. Last night I saw three epidemiologists on tv. One was from Stanford University, one was from Oxford University and the third was from Harvard. All three agreed that the correct approach to dealing with covid-19 is for us to concentrate our efforts on protecting those who are most in danger of serious illness and death from the disease, and to allow everyone else to normally live their lives. They stated that allowing people to live normal lives would result in a herd immunity which would in turn end up protecting everyone from the disease.
  15. As far as you are concerned? Why would I ever care about what your concerns are?
  16. So many people seem to be locked into where we were with Covid-19 in Jan., Feb., and March. Treatments are much more improved and more effective now than they were back then. We also know who the people are that need the most protection from the virus. That's why death rates from the disease are much lower now than they were in the early months of the disease.
  17. Who cares what you say. Take care of your own sorry ass country (Germany or Russia, whichever).
  18. Our national security agencies are concerned about meddling in our election by Russia, China, Iran and other countries. I'm more concerned about meddling in our election by corrupt Democrats.
  19. The wacko lefties can't even keep their conspiracy stories straight for two days. When the president first entered the hospital they were saying that the president was much sicker than we were being told. Two days later when Trump was released from the hospital those very same people were saying that the president was never sick.
  20. That's why I've been telling people to learn Chinese and Spanish if the Democrats win this election because in the not too distant future China will own us and Spanish speaking people will rule us.
  21. Trump has NEVER called himself a white supremacist nor a white nationalist, you fucking liar.
  22. So says the little duffer who has 0 life experience in the real world removed from the shelter and economic support of his mommy and daddy. The little guy who has never accomplished nor experienced anything but believes that he knows everything.
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