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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Statistics show that for most people the virus is no big deal. The vast majority of deaths were of elderly people with preexisting medical conditions.
  2. There are numerous doctors in this country treating covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine. If you read something other than Democrat talking points or liberal progressive propaganda you would know that.
  3. Appears right now that you need to be more concerned about the virus in Europe than the virus in the U.S.
  4. I didn't say anything about Trump, idiot. I was talking about you, but you are so fucking dumb that you can't even understand that.
  5. The meat is not the problem in Big Macs. The problem is the bun and other processed foods that part of a Big Mac.
  6. Many doctors say just the opposite. And there have been a number of clinical studies proving that hydroxychlotoquine does work, especially if used early in the disease.
  7. You just demonstrated your belief in another myth. Carbohydrates from processed foods build up plaque in the arteries, not meat.
  8. So how do you explain the Democrat governor of Virginia and his wife being infected with covid-19? That same governor has enacted some of the toughest covid-19 regulations of any state in the U.S., but he and his wife still became infected.
  9. Trump stopped taking hydroxychloroquine many weeks ago. It only works as a preventative while you are taking it, not for anytime after you stop. It is not a vaccine. I'm interested to see if the president takes hydroxychloroquine now that he is infected. Early in the infection is when hydroxychloroquine is most effective as a treatment. He may actually end up proving that hydroxychloroquine works.
  10. And what will God say about the leadership of the Chinese Communist Government who unleashed this virus on the world? You are a fucking idiot.
  11. Show me in the U.S. Constitution where it says that the president is not allowed to make an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court before an election. Obama made an appointment in 2016 and the Senate rejected the appointment. If the Democrats controlled the Senate they would reject Trump's appointment. Also, if the Democrats controlled both the presidency and the Senate they would do exactly what Trump and the Republicans are doing right now. The statement you made that Trump has said that he will not accept the results of the election is a lie. He said that he needs to see exactly what happens in the election before saying one way or the other. If it is proven that there was fraud or that elections in some states are closely contested and recounts are needed, why would he want to concede until those issues are resolved?
  12. Back to talk about the debate. I just rewatched the debate on YOUTUBE and realized that the first person to interrupt another speaker in the debate was Joe Biden, and Chris Wallace seemed to condone the behavior. If you don't believe me, watch it.
  13. Now Trump is responsible for the slaughter of millions of American Indians? Sounds like you are the one who is locked in the past. You incessantly keep talking about the slaughtering of American Indians and bison which occurred in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Germany committed it's atrocities in the 20th century.
  14. The next debate should be really fair since the CSPAN moderator, Steve Scully, worked as an intern for Joe Biden and was a staff member for Democrat Sen. Ted Kennedy. LMAO
  15. Chris Wallace asked that very same question of Donald Trump in the 2016 election and Trump in his answer condemned all forms of White supremacy including specifically the KKK. Appears the Democrats are losing Black voters so the media and the Democrats need to start this race bullshit again in hopes of damaging Trump and firing up their Black voters. Same old tactic they've used for 50 plus years.
  16. No bias in the news media? Steve Scully the CSPAN moderator for the next presidential debate previously worked as an intern for Joe Biden and was on the staff of Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy. LMAO
  17. If Trump lost the first debate so badly why do the Democrats want to cancel the next two debates?
  18. The Iranian general was a scumbag terrorist who was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people. I hope he enjoys his stay in hell.
  19. Democrats and the news media are trying to suppress in person voting by hyping the danger of being infected with covid-19.
  20. You are a fool. Go to anyone of those countries and publicly call their leader the names you called President Trump and see what happens to you.
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