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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The riots which CNN and MSNBC insisted were not happening may cost U.S. insurance companies as much as $2 billion.
  2. According to an op-ed in the New Yorker classical music is now considered to be racist.
  3. She left Hong Kong and is now living in the U.S. She has promised to publish proof of her allegations shortly.
  4. Tonight I saw a Chinese virologist on t.v. who said she has proof that the coronavirus was produced in a Chinese lab by the Chinese military.
  5. YOU and people like you are partially responsible for the shooting of the two LA County Deputies.
  6. Even with all the alleged racism in America she seems to still be eating well.
  7. Two Los Angeles County deputies have just been ambushed and shot in the head. Wonder if CNN and MSNBC will report on the shootings?
  8. A couple days ago I saw a Los Angeles, CA Democrat education official saying, 'that the schools that have been closed because of covid-19 most likely will not reopen until after the election.' Kind of tells you exactly how political covid-19 has become. At least she was honest about what they are doing.
  9. Past elections and the current polls show that the vast majority of college students have and will vote for Democrats.
  10. I predict that if Joe Biden is elected president the day after he is declared winner of the election covid-19 will miraculously disappear from the news media. New infections will greatly decrease, hospitalization rates will decline, and deaths from covid-19 will essentially cease to happen.
  11. They'll probably hire a brain dead fool like you to train them.
  12. Now BLM is protesting the shooting by police of a Black man in Washington D.C. who was holding a gun. What are police suppose to do, wait until one of them is shot before they are allowed to protect themselves?
  13. With the way police are now treated by Democrat politicians, protesters, and the news media there will be no need to defund police departments because they will all resign.
  14. I thought Dr.Fauci said because of Covid-19 we should not shake hands. I just saw Joe Biden get off a plane in Kenosha, WI, and the first thing he did was shake hands with some official. I guess Covid-19 rules don't apply to Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Maybe it's because they are so young that they don't think the virus will affect them.
  15. Anyone who is a Democrat has been conned their whole life. That's the only way Democrats can get people to vote for them.
  16. I see that the anarchists are now tearing down statues and wanting police defunded in Canada. LMAO
  17. If you were a police officer in a major U.S. city your ideas would have you dead within one week.
  18. What if he was reaching for a weapon in the vehicle? Would that justify shooting him? You wouldn't last one day as a policeman. You Monday morning quarterback, who thinks he is so fucking brilliant. Easy for you to be so brilliant when it's not your life on the line. You are the real pansy ass.
  19. More liberal progressive propaganda posted by a Russian agent who hates the U.S.
  20. You left out a big factor of the improved economy, the labor participation rate. During Obama's presidency large numbers of people totally left the labor market and gave up trying to find work. Those people are not included in the unemployment number. In the Trump presidency the unemployment rate decreased at the same time the labor participation rate increased.
  21. The video left out the fact that the founders of BLM are Marxist revolutionaries.
  22. But you are the biggest most dishonest hypocrite of all when you pretend not to be partisan.
  23. Fuck BLM's Marxist propaganda. Who is the dumb ass Dax anyway? BLM is a bunch of lawless thugs pretending to care about racial and social justice.
  24. I thought for myself long before Trump ever imagined running for president. I and 63 million other people voted for Trump because he thought like us, not because we thought like him. His vision for America was much more in line with the desires of middle class working Americans than anything any other politician had to offer. We were fed up with all their empty promises and lies. You are the one who has no ability to think for himself. All you do is parrot the mantra of the liberal progressive mob. In actuality, it is people like you who are not very smart.
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