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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. If not 100% correct, then what percentage correct are they? 300 testing centers in Florida showed everyone tested at the centers were positive.
  2. Keep the whole world economy shutdown forever? That way we can survive coronavirus, but starve to death. lol
  3. BREAKING NEWS! ACCORDING TO THE AP THE GOVERNOR OF OHIO HAS JUST TESTED NEGATIVE FOR COVID-19 AFTER TESTING POSITIVE EARLIER TODAY. LMAO So how many of the recent positive tests in the U.S. are also bogus? But the general public doesn't get second tests they are just forced to isolate for 14 days based upon the original positive diagnosis.
  4. The 51% recovery rate you gave for the U.S. is totally misleading because of all the new cases. New cases cannot be declared resolved for at least 14 days after a positive test, so if you have a large number of new cases the the recovery rate will automatically be lowered in the short term just because of the recovery period. As time passes and the vast majority of those newly infected people recover the recovery rate will go up.
  5. Recently Rep. James Clyburn called the President of the United States Mussolini. Why did Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube not remove those videos for being hate speech?
  6. I just checked YouTube. The March interview with Dr. Fauci where he said there was no benefit for American citizens to wear face masks as protection from covid-19 is still on YouTube. Wonder why that misleading video has not been removed?
  7. But there is no liberal progressive bias at Facebook and Twitter. How long before Facebook and Twitter start making campaign commercials for Joe Biden? Also, the Twitter employee who censored Trump's Twitter account use to be press secretary for Kamala Harris.
  8. And the vast majority of the cases and deaths in Illinois were in the Democrat run Chicago and Cook County.
  9. The failures in New York were not Trump failures, they were Gov. Cuomo failures. According to Fauci and Birx, Trump did everything that Fauci and Birx advised him to do.
  10. The recovery rate from cancer also didn't help the people who died from cancer did it? But the cancer recovery rate is still an important measure of how successful treatment is.
  11. Depends upon what you are laughing about.
  12. The news media continually hypes the covid-19 infection rates and infection numbers, but never mentions the recovery rates. As of today in my state of Illinois the Illinois Dept.of Public Health reported the covid-19 recovery rate in Illinois is 95%. Could that be why the news media never talks about covid-19 recovery rates?
  13. The number of covid-19 deaths in Florida is no where close to New York nor New Jersey. And if you calculate deaths per 100,00 population Florida and Texas are not even on the top ten list. Of the top ten states with the most covid-19 deaths and most deaths per 1000,000 population 8 are run by Democrat governors.
  14. The strict lock down policies of Democrat governors are failing. Currently the highest death rates from covid-19 and the highest unemployment rates are in states run by Democrat governors. So Democrat governors are giving the citizens of their states both a failed healthcare policy and a failed economic policy.
  15. So why did the police unions support Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns?
  16. The police chief of Portland, OR is a Black man, the police chief of Seattle, WA is a Black woman and most of the BLM protesters in both cities are White.
  17. Then RLC needs to change its name. Because Real Life Cams they are not. When I first started watching RLC in 2015 it was a hell of a lot more real than it is now, and all the girls were not porn actresses.
  18. You just proved my point with another propaganda video.
  19. You are beginning to sound more like a Russian or Chinese propagandist than a German citizen.
  20. I see where Nancy Pelosi now has no confidence in Dr. Birx. Could that be because Dr. Birx deals in hard data and statistics about covid-19 and Nancy Pelosi promotes lies and hysteria about the disease?
  21. And my ancestors did not arrive in America until the early 1900s, so how did they have anything to do with slavery in the U.S.?
  22. Who gives a damn what a fucking phony like you has to say. It is the assholes on the left like you who are intolerant of any ideas that don't comply with their liberal progressive ideology, even to the point of using violence to shut up people who have opposing ideas. Thoughts that don't agree with your group think mentality make you nervous, so you need to totally suppress and attack any dissenter. You are the truly intolerant one, because you have actually tried to have be banned from CC. I have never requested Mods to ban anyone. Attempting to shut up someone is the ultimate proof of intolerance. And that is a perfect description of you.
  23. James Clyburn just called the President of the United States Mussolini, but if anyone criticizes Clyburn for that statement they will be labeled a racist. Must be nice to be able to make any kind of a bigoted statement you want and then hide behind the color of your skin when someone condemns the remark. Sounds like Black Privilege to me.
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