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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Your head is so far up your own asshole that you have no idea of what America is all about. We don't want the EU's fucking socialist form of government. The EU is failing because the workers of the UK and other European nations are tired of supporting all the non-working freeloaders in the EU.
  2. For someone highly educated you don't sound very smart, you sound indoctrinated with liberal progressive bullshit theories. The struggle in America right now goes way beyond Donald Trump. This is a fight to save the American way of life from liberal progressive socialist/Marxist radicals who wish to destroy this nation. Right now Donald Trump and a few others are the only elected officials standing up against these insane people, and standing up against Republican elites who just want their power back.
  3. Again, I don't need some fucking elitist asshole German to tell me what is happening in my own country.
  4. Why do you never show video of these so called peaceful BLM protesters throwing bricks, rocks, frozen bottles of water, and fireworks at the police. Not to mention blinding police officers with lasers? Could it be because you are just like BLM rioters, a deceitful lying son of a bitch?
  5. Save the propaganda from VOX for your stupid German audience. Defund the police means defund the police to make it easier for the Marxist organization BLM to destroy America.
  6. And she was one of Hillary Clinton's big heroes and role models.
  7. Some people are so consumed with racial identity that they have no ability to be just human beings anymore.
  8. So denying a race equal opportunity for 200 years causes Black people to kill Black people?
  9. The problem in America is not the gun culture, the problem in America is the inner city crime culture. In the county where I grew up probably 75% or more of the homes had guns in them, I'm now 74 years old and the last murder I remember in that county happened in the 1950s, and that murder was committed by bank robbers who did not live in the county. The people of that county had and have strong family ties and moral values which are badly lacking with the criminals and gang members in the inner cities.
  10. Luckily, I still live in a low crime area where I can leave my house unlocked when I go into town to shop or go to a restaurant, but if these liberal progressive radical idiots take over control of the country I fear there will be no safe place anywhere in America.
  11. Neither In my opinion neither Joe Biden, Barack Obama, nor Hillary Clinton as president would have done any better with this pandemic. The big difference between them and Trump is that the news media would have never pointed out their mistakes.
  12. If Americans are dumb enough to make Joe Biden president in November, I will sit back and laugh at them as they lose everything they own in the next few years because of Biden and the Democrats.
  13. You're confused. Those were Democrat sanctioned Black Lives Matter protests and rallies which are still going on today.
  14. That's your opinion. And in my opinion you are wrong. Trump did exactly what his "experts" Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx told him to do. In fact, he did more, because they were not in favor of stopping travel from China and Europe when President Trump made that decision.
  15. I haven't owned a weapon since 1970 when I returned from Vietnam. But if Joe Biden is elected president I may purchase one. The crazy social justice people who have taken over the Democratic Party want to abolish the police, close prisons and stop prosecuting criminals; so Americans may be forced to defend themselves from criminals.
  16. Again, you understand nothing. Trump was elected president because he was not a part of the corrupt Washington D.C. establishment swamp. The Republican politicians who now oppose him are part of the swamp that the people who voted for Trump detest. President Trump still has over a 90% approval rating with Republican voters.
  17. The people who buy weapons legally are not the people committing these murders. Many of the people doing the shootings in Chicago are convicted felons who cannot legally purchase a weapon right now. The majority of shootings in U.S. inner cities are committed by gang members and other career criminals.
  18. This photo just proves DeBlasio is a racist.
  19. A lack of gun laws are not the problem. Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation. If someone is willing to disobey the law against murder, do you really believe a new gun law will stop them from obtaining illegal weapons.
  20. Is the organization Republican Voters Against Trump another one of the unbiased political sources?
  21. You mean all those media polls that over sample Democrats by 8%? You really shouldn't talk about politics in a country that you know nothing about.
  22. That's the most work DeBlasio has done since being elected mayor.
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