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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. So if China's air is so polluted that they need to wear masks ,why was China given an exemption from the Paris Climate Accords? Could it be because the Accords are a ploy to redistribute wealth in the world and have nothing to do with stopping climate change?.
  2. Why did you avoid explaining why Dr. Fauci changed his story on masks? Also, why did Fauci on January 21 say coronavirus was not a major threat to the U.S. and on February 29 tell the American people there was no need to change their day-to-day life habits because of the virus?
  3. You are so fucking brainwashed. You are the one who sounds like Mr. Know It All. Unfortunately, all you know are thoughts that have been driven into your head by an indoctrinating education system.
  4. Strange isn't it that the two countries which produce the most air pollution ( China and India) were exempted from the Paris Climate Accords?
  5. I think you need to pull your head out of Dr. Fauci's ass. So a mask can protect you now but couldn't 5 months ago? LMAO
  6. The concrete facts are that Dr. Fauci did say there was no need for Americans to wear a mask on "60 Minutes" March 8, 2020. Is that good enough for you, dumb fuck?
  7. You might want to concern yourself with your own country a little more. I see where thousands marched in the streets of Berlin today to protest the government's latest coronavirus measures. Wonder if any were wearing MAGA hats or waving Swedish flags?
  8. Now you are speaking like a totally insane fool. The truth is that it was the Democrats who refused to accept the results of an election and used the DOJ and Intelligence Agencies in an attempt to illegally remove a legitimately elected president. Trump "practicing with his own 'police forces' to beat up civilians"? You are a fucking idiot!
  9. And you sound like an elitist asshole who has absolutely no understanding of the American people. In other words, you sound like a highly educated idiot who sees Americans through simple minded stereotypes constructed by ivory tower liberal elitists who are totally out of touch with the real world..
  10. You mean like in March when he said there was no benefit to wearing a mask? Was he only giving facts then?
  11. Now Dr.Fauci is saying we might need to wear goggles to protect our eyes from the covid-19 infection. What's next, everyone needs to wear a hazmat suit?
  12. But Biden and the Democrats will never agree to that. They want to talk about how high unemployment numbers are for election purposes.
  13. Some people allow facts to determine their beliefs, and other people never allow facts to change their beliefs.
  14. Because it is true. More people his age do die from the flu than from covid-19. In the U.S. as of June,2020 80% of the deaths from covid-19 were 65 or older and 92% of the deaths were 55 and older.
  15. According to him he had a combination of covid-19 and mono. And the bottom line is that he fully recovered. More people his age will die from the flu than will die from covid-19.
  16. She needs to show everyone how politically correct she is, or all the media hype has scared the hell out of her.
  17. Everyone is vulnerable to be infected, but younger people for the most part do not suffer the dire consequences of the disease. Many of the younger infected people are asymptomatic and if not for covid-19 testing would not even know they were infected.
  18. I'm sorry about the loss of your friends. All I am trying to do is get more firsthand knowledge about the disease. At age 74 I realize that I am in the high risk group, so I take precautions (mask, social distancing, and spending most my time alone at home), but I don't believe healthy younger people should be prevented from working and living normal lives. Protect the most vulnerable and allow everyone else to live normal lives.
  19. Sounds like the Europeans may have shamed the U.S. a bit too soon on covid-19 policy. Europe is now experiencing a second wave as their economies reopen. Like I said before, lock downs do not solve the problem they just postpone the problem while destroying economies. If they shutdown again there will be a third wave when they reopen after that shutdown and there will be more damage to their economies. That cycle will continue until there is a cure for covid-19. I still believe Sweden had the best approach.
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