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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And many of those hard working thriving Black people had their businesses looted, burned and completely destroyed by the assholes of BLM.
  2. And the cop who killed Floyd has been arrested and charged with murder. How dare you blame all police in America for the actions of a few. You are intellectually dishonest. When the NYC board was discussing defunding the police it was the NYC Black and Hispanic Caucus that opposed the defunding measure because they know that fewer police will mean an increase of crime in their neighborhoods.
  3. The police in the U.S. do protect people of all skin colors. If police in the U.S. are defunded it will be people of color who suffer most from the loss of police protection.
  4. If White Americans are required to pay slavery reparations to Black Americans will Barack Obama be forced to pay reparations to himself since his mother was White and his father was Black?
  5. 1951? Sorry, I don't live in the past. The film is irrelevant to what is going on today.
  6. What does Germany's racism problem have to do with America? Also, I found the film to be so simplistic and stereotypical that it was laughable. Looked like a propaganda film that would be made by the government of Cuba or Venezuela.
  7. You and your Marxist friends are the ones who hate people. I hate no one. I believe in equality for all. Like I said before, you are a phony.
  8. Bullshit. You understand nothing about this country. Fuck your Marxist capitalism hating viewpoint. Go fuck up Europe with to ignorant ideas and stay out of our business.
  9. What are you going to do, wallow in self-pity for the rest of your life? That's a good way to rationalize your failed life, but it doesn't do one damn thing to improve it. As a White American I owe you nothing.
  10. I really don't give a damn what a foreign asshole like you has to say about my country. Take care of your own fucking country, and we'll take care of ours.
  11. Much more chance that the new covid-19 cases were the result of Black Lives Matter protesters and rioters than from MAGA protesters. The younger age of newly infected people seems to confirm that theory. BLM protesters are on the whole younger and dumber than Trump supporters.
  12. Wrong. The large cities in the U.S. are populated mostly by Democrats, and that is where the majority of covid-19 cases and deaths are located. Also, the newer cases are of younger people who for the most part do not support Trump.
  13. In my opinion BLM does not stand for black lives matter, but rather stands for the Big Lie Marxists.
  14. While in Barcelona Kami's favorite tool was a Heineken bottle. Her favorite tool in Moscow became the tv remote.
  15. First they might need to do what Kristy and Kami did. They got drunk.
  16. It's been awhile since I last visited this thread. I haven't missed anything, it's like "Groundhog Day". Each day everyone hoping for something that will most likely never happen and RLC making money off the hope. Just like when Kami and Kristy were together, everyone was waiting for lesbian action that was never going to happen because they weren't lesbians.
  17. Yeah, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, and Barack Obama are eating scraps.
  18. Not thinking like the crowd is kicking a hornets nest? Do you know what was going through Derek Chauvin's mind at the time he killed George Floyd? Until more evidence comes out about Chauvin's past racial history and facts surrounding the killing I'll reserve judgement about his intent. I thought that's how our justice system was suppose to work. Or do we now believe in media inspired mob rule?
  19. There is no doubt that what Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd was unjustified, but was it racially motivated. Derek Chauvin could have just been a complete asshole who would have done the same thing regardless of Floyd's race. I've seen rogue cops abuse White people too.
  20. And in the inner city it appears that Black lives don't even matter to other Black people.
  21. The founders of the Marxist organization Black Lives Matter were cunning in choosing the name of their organization. They knew that 99.9% of the American people support the the idea that black lives matter. BLM uses their name as a cover for their real goal of destroying the U.S. government and U.S. culture. Anyone who opposes the organization's objectives is automatically branded a racist and thus silenced. Black Lives Matter the organization and the concept that black lives matter are not the same thing.
  22. Do you know for sure the killing in Minneapolis was racist motivated? George Floyd and Derek Chauvin had worked as security guards at the same night club in Minneapolis, so it could have been a personal dispute that had nothing to do with race. Anytime a Black man is killed in the U.S. by a police officer the left and news media automatically make it a racist crime. When a male Black Muslim cop in Minneapolis shot and killed an innocent White Australian woman were there any cries of racism? No, why not?
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