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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Yes, all men are created equal and endowed by God with inalienable rights that no government can take from them. I thought you weren't responding to anymore of my posts.
  2. I think all covid-19 clinical studies should be overseen and evaluated by private health insurance companies. With all the money the insurance companies are paying out for the treatment of covid-19 patients they have a financial interest in finding the most effective, safest and cheapest treatment for covid-19. The fewer covid-19 patients, the less money insurance companies are required to pay out in benefits.
  3. The liberal's big hero Alexander Hamilton was a slave owner. But the left and Black actors still glorify him in a Broadway production and say nothing about him being a slave owner. Such hypocrites.
  4. Only one funeral service? George Floyd had three services in three different cities.
  5. Saturday night a police officer was shot and killed by a drunk in the parking lot of a Home Depot in Toledo, Ohio. The policeman had a wife and two year old child. Wonder if there will be any protests and marches over his death?
  6. Why has no one said anything about this study? Could it possibly be because the study showed favorable results for hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid-19?
  7. Still nothing on MSN about the shootings. I guess police lives don't matter.
  8. I predict that if the Democrats win everything in the 2020 election, coverage of covid-19 by the news media will magically disappear overnight.
  9. There is not one fucking story on MSN about the police officers who were shot in Kansas City yesterday by some criminal thugs.
  10. Good, sorry the truth is too much for you to handle..
  11. Fox News only supports the police? Apparently you don't watch Fox News very much. Hannity spent almost all of last night's show interviewing the father of the BLACK teenager who was shot and killed in the Seattle Chop Zone. Neither the police chief nor the mayor of Seattle had even contacted the guy. The organization BLM does not care about Black people. They care about destroying this country. Also, everyone on Fox News condemned the killing of George Floyd on the day that the killing occurred.
  12. The way you wear a mask sounds kind of phony. If you really believe it protects you and others from the virus why would you not wear it all the time. As for Trump wearing a mask, he is tested everyday for the virus and anyone he meets with is tested before they are allowed to meet with him. So he is probably the last person in the world who needs to wear a mask.
  13. I just heard tonight that a police officer in Kansas City was sent to a McDonalds restaurant to investigate a man waving a gun. Upon arriving at the restaurant the police officer was shot in the head by the person waving the gun. Wonder if the main stream news media will report on this story?
  14. Sounds like people need to review the results of a new study just released by the Henry Ford Health System before they right off Hydroxychloroqune as a treatment for covid-19.
  15. Never know, could be a sure way of killing the virus. Might even be better than a vaccine.
  16. I do wear one just to avoid criticism and in the possibility that it may actually protect me. More importantly I try to avoid getting within 6 feet of people.
  17. You're concerned about the fantasy of Trump wanting be a king, but seem to have no concern about the fact that Putin has actually become one.
  18. Just trying to get people to think for themselves and not blindly accept everything the "experts" tell them.
  19. One of the major problems I see with stressing the wearing of masks is that it may be giving people a false sense of protection when social distancing (6 feet or more is much more effective). I see people in stores now wearing masks bumping up against each other. It appears to me that wearing masks has become more of a political issue than a healthcare issue.
  20. The ones people are using. Or maybe Joe Biden can tell us which masks to use since he is pushing their use.
  21. Can someone please post the Dr. Fauci "60 Minutes" interview from March, 2020 where he talks about wearing a mask? My computer skills are limited, so I don't know how to post the video.
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