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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Two Black teenagers have been killed in the "police free" liberal progressive BLM utopia of CHOP in Seattle. Where are the national protest marches about those two killings? BLM is just a bunch of fucking phony anarchist hypocrites who hate America.
  2. The "Dixie Chicks" have changed their name to "Chicks" because "Dixie" is racist. If the feminist protest about the name "Chicks" being sexist what will they do, change their name to the "No Names"? LMAO
  3. Personally, I think economies should be opened up with actions taken to protect those most at danger of dying from the virus. Special precautions should be taken to protect nursing home residents. The last figure I heard was that 52% of covid-19 deaths in the U.S. were nursing home residents. With increased testing in the U.S. we are discovering numerous people who are infected but not sick. I believe the virus just needs to run it's course through the younger healthy population. The other option is to keep everything shut down while waiting for a vaccine which may never appear.
  4. Like I said before, it will take a number of years to determine how successful national covid-19 strategies were. Any long term evaluation needs to include not only a death tally from covid-19, but also damage to a nation's economy. Long term damage to an economic system can also cause deaths.
  5. A girly man rioter dressed in black is a dead give away for a member of ANTIFA.
  6. I wish someone would do research into the African genealogy of Black members of Congress and Barack Obama to determine how many of their ancestors sold slaves to the European slave traders.
  7. I thought YouTube banned hate videos. I guess that's only hate videos that are racially inappropriate. Liberal progressives are such fucking hypocrites.
  8. Where's the CNN story about two Black men being shot yesterday in the utopian Chop Zone of Seattle? When police entered the zone to investigate the shootings and give aid to the victims they were attacked by residents of the zone and unable to give aid to the victims. Last report was that one of the victims died. Guess that story doesn't fit CNN's and your agenda does it?
  9. You and CNN left something out of the story. The city of Buffalo has not had a Republican mayor since 1965. The present mayor, Byron Brown, was the mayor in 2006 when this woman was fired and he is a Black man. So the racist police force of Buffalo is run by liberal progressives just like you. How can that be? Sixty five years of liberal progressive Democrat rule is not long enough for Buffalo to become a prejudice free Utopia? LMAO
  10. Watching all these phony corporate leaders trying to show how woke they are by donating money and paying lip service to BLM is laughable. If they really cared about Black lives they would close their cheap labor exploiting factories in China and relocate the factories in America's inner cities.
  11. Eactly. And also because the DA is a totally incompetent corrupt political hack who is up for reelection in November. If Brooks had shot and killed the cop the DA would have probably ruled the shooting self defense and Alladino would have wholeheartedly agreed with the DA.
  12. Easy for you to say because you weren't there. If the guy was so fucking defenseless how was he able to steal the taser in the first place? You most likely have never been in a situation like that where you were forced to make a split second life or death decision. You sit in your liberal progressive ivory tower and make moralistic judgments about other people's behavior, but if you were ever put in that policeman's situation you would most likely shit your pants and cry for your mommy.
  13. And it matters not what anyone says to you because your heart is full of hatred for American police officers.
  14. No danger? Two weeks ago the Black DA who is prosecuting this case said a taser is a deadly weapon. Harmless people? The guy attacked the officers, stole a taser and then shot the taser at an officer. You are just an American cop hater. I call people like you an "uncle Tims". "Uncle Tim" is a liberal progressive White person who whenever there is a dispute between a Black person and a White person the Black person is always in the right and the White person is always wrong regardless of the facts in the case. You are the one who is unable to look past the color of a person's skin and judge everyone as an individual.
  15. The District Attorney who charged Officer Rolfe with murder may have undermined his case with his own words. Two weeks ago in another case this same DA stated that a taser is a deadly weapon.
  16. To have a better picture of what inner city police deal with in the U.S. I suggest you watch the A&E tv program "The First 48".
  17. I noticed that the officer who shot Brooks was carrying his tazer when he was chasing Brooks, so the tazer Brooks had belonged to the other officer. With as fast as things happened could the officer who shot Brooks have thought that Brooks had the other officer's gun instead of the tazer? That's why there needs to be a thorough investigation.
  18. The guy was drunk, so if the police just let him go and on the way home he stepped in front of a vehicle and was killed what would the news story have been then, police negligent of protecting the welfare of drunk Black man? Also, once the victim resisted arrest, fought with the police and grabbed the tazer he was guilty of much more than just the crime of DUI.
  19. Could you please show us video or photos of the officers kicking and standing on Rayshard Brooks after he was shot. I've see video of almost everything else that happened that night, but have yet to see video or photos of the officers kicking and standing on the victim.
  20. I was was making a point about hydroxychloroquine in my comment too. You don't want hydroxychloroquine to be effective against covid-19 simply because Trump promoted it. Your comment about bleach was also a cheap shot at Trump. At least be honest enough to own up to what you meant. You are the one who was trying to be clever.
  21. I'm happy for anything that treats covid-19. Unlike you. And bleach does kill covid-19, otherwise why would it be used to disinfect surfaces?
  22. I would imagine ANTIFA teaches classes on how to most efficiently set fires.
  23. No need to resist arrest either. None of this would have happened if the guy had cooperated with the police.
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