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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Oh yeah, exactly who has them under control? Childish and stupid people with deadly weapons is not a good combination.
  2. But if the police are abolished what good is 911? Plus, the police are all evil and would just come and beat you up, right?
  3. Me either, but there is always a first time. If it happens to me I hope there are police to call.
  4. So armed thugs can take over part of a major U.S.city and its no big deal? Wonder if you would have said the same thing if it was the Tea Party instead of BLM?
  5. Strange that none of the BLM supporters on here have anything to say about the "peaceful" BLM and their allies taking over a seven block area of Seattle, WA and declaring the area a new country separate from the U.S. They have blocked off and are guarding the area with weapons. The Seattle mayor, Seattle police, and the Washington state governor have done nothing to remove them. Both the mayor and governor are extreme liberal progressive Democrats.
  6. Why? Are you one of the researchers who gave us the worthless covid-19 computer models, or one of the researchers who is producing bogus climate change research?
  7. So you get rid of that minority, but you don't condemn all police offices because of that minority which is what I see happening right now in this country.
  8. And those police are being prosecuted for killing him. Also, in most of the other examples of police misconduct that you have shown at the end of the video it says either that the police officer resigned or had been disciplined.
  9. And I imagine your job is nice and safe, so it's easy for you to criticize the actions of people who risk their lives everyday that they go to work. Keep showing all the videos of questionable actions by a very small minority of police officers with the intention of disparaging the entirety of police officers. Why no videos of people in New York pouring water on and spitting on police with no provocation, and the police just walking away? Why no videos of ANTIFA thugs beating a police officer during the BLM riots and looting in New York? Why no videos of the "peaceful protesters" throwing rocks, bricks and bottles at the police during these BLM protests?
  10. Do you risk your life everyday in your job? It's easy to sit back in the safety of your home and criticize people who everyday live under the pressure of maybe having to make a life and death decision on the spare of the moment.
  11. Yeah, the next time someone breaks into your house I suggest you call BLM or ANTIFA.
  12. If you go to Seattle right now you can join BLM's new seven block nation. They just recently took over an abandoned police station, have set up armed guards and declared a seven block area a separate nation from the U.S. In a news conference when a reporter asked the Governor of the state of Washington about this, he said he hadn't heard about it.
  13. Now that the racial protests are winding down the news media will soon be pushing the covid-19 crisis again. Once again stressing how we need to continue to keep the economy shutdown because of the certain second wave that will soon be upon us. Time to drag out "doom and gloom" Dr. Fauci with another dire warning.
  14. According to Wikipedia NOW THIS is a left wing, progressive, social media-focused news organization, so I trust nothing they post as being completely truthful. Probably just presented part of the story. Why were the police clearing the area? Was it because they were enforcing a curfew? Was there looting and arson going on at the time? I would need to see the whole picture before determining if their actions were justified. As for MSNBC and the LA Times, I trust nothing any of them report. Many reporters today have their own political agendas and instead of reporting on protests they become part of the protests. They are not impartial bystanders.
  15. And people like Trevor Noah and John Daily only present views that correspond to their own prejudices. I've heard enough from people like them for years.
  16. What happened to the man was unfortunate, but he is partially to blame because he moved toward the police and put his hands on an officer when they had ordered him to move back. They pushed him back, he lost his balance and fell on his head.The officer probably pushed with more force than was necessary, but I don't believe he intended to injure the man. I was concerned about them not checking on his condition, but then I saw an officer radioing for medical assistance. Also, I saw what looked like a National Guard soldier kneeling down with the man before the ambulance arrived. I would like to know exactly what the man said to the police officers before he was pushed.
  17. The fact that Trevor Noah is the host of the Daily Show is all I need to know for me to completely ignore anything he has to say.
  18. Why should I take seriously anything reported on by your biased left wing news sources?
  19. Did Trevor Noah mention anything about the rocks, bricks and bottles that were being thrown at the police? Or did he just conveniently ignore that?
  20. If this is the whole story, then it probably was an unnecessary confrontation. But what happened before this? Did the police receive a complaint of a trespasser at this location? If so, the police officer has a legitimate right to question the man, and when the individual could not produce anything with his address on it the officer had more justification to investigate.
  21. And as long as liberal progressives continues to deny and ignore the crime problems of the inner cities.
  22. So? I haven't heard anyone not condemn Derek Chauvin for what he did to George Floyd, but the National Guard was not there to stop people from peacefully protesting. They were deployed to prevent people from looting, burning and destroying businesses. And what problem does taking a knee solve anyway?
  23. I wonder why everyday. So tell me why, Mr.Brilliant.
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