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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Next you'll be talking about the superiority of the Aryan race.
  2. I'm for that. I think the U.S. should withdraw from NATO and let Europe pay for its own defense.
  3. I agree the UN definitely needs to leave the U.S. I would be in favor of paying them to leave. Yes, go to the great democracy of China. LMAO
  4. Good. Now Germany can pay for the WHO's bureaucrats to travel around the world.
  5. And which country will replace the $450 million/yr we pay the WHO?
  6. Doubt that the WHO will find a vaccine for coronavirus since they spend the majority of their money on travel expenses for their members.
  7. Maybe if Germany paid more to the WHO the U.S. wouldn't need to pay so much. Also, the WHO is partially at fault for this pandemic being as bad as it is. If the WHO leader wasn't such a puppet of China the world would have had a more advanced warning of the dangers of the coronavirus. The U.S. payment is being withheld pending an investigation of the WHO and its leadership.
  8. Ventilators are not in short supply in the U.S., uninformed dumbass. In fact, we now have a surplus.
  9. Who gives a damn what Germans say about America. Especially a German as stupid as you.
  10. Good. Since you love the WHO so much, maybe the UK can make up the $450 billion the U.S. has been paying to that Chinese controlled organization.
  11. In the U.S.right now President Trump is about the only public official who seems to have a positive forward looking approach about anything.
  12. The news media and Democrats have just proven what I said. They are now saying that Trump does not have the Constititional authority to reopen the economy, after having previously criticized him for not shutting down the economy. So how can he have legal authority to close the economy, but not have legal authority to reopen it? The truth is that they would have attacked him for "abuse of power" if he had closed the economy, just like they will attack him for "abuse of power" if he reopens the economy. The bottom line is that the Democrats and news media will criticize and attack President Trump no matter what he does or says.
  13. I agree. How about opening the economy to those who are least at risk of dying from the virus and keeping those most at risk of dying in isolation? Especially in sparsely populated rural areas.
  14. I'm not opposed to the economy presently being closed, but at some point it needs to open. Social programs can give people money when they are not working, but eventually that money will be worthless if there is nothing to buy. If no one is working, how do products get produced? No matter how well we plan I guarantee you people will die from the coronavirus once economies open, so some plan needs to be devised that allows us to open the economy while at the same time limiting the number of deaths. Believing that we need to get to the point where no one dies from covid-19 before we can open the economy means that the economy will never open.
  15. But how many people will a damaged economy kill in the future? Why do we consider the Great Depression to be so bad? Could it be because of the lives that were destroyed? It is not a question of profitability, it's a question of people being able to financially support themselves. It does not need to be either/or. There should be a way to open the economy without costing lives. Worldwide 650,000 people die from the flu every year? Are we now going to close the economy every flu season to prevent anyone from getting the flu?
  16. You are intellectually dishonest. You found the article about Barr because you wanted to discredit the Trump administration. You know all about the Lt. Gov. of Texas, but you don't know who William Barr is? I don't believe you. The "job he stole"? You are stupid. Trump won an election. I defend a lot of Republicans because at this point and time in history what they want to do for my country makes a hell of a lot more sense than what Democrats want to do. I don't believe in liberal progressive socialist European Marxist policies, that's why I now have no use for the Democratic Party. Trump "claiming to be the leader of this country"? I'm sorry but Trump is President of the United States, so he IS the leader of this country.
  17. With no one working and businesses closed where does money come from to run the country?
  18. I'm not a Republican. Previous to coronavirus, social justice was the primary reason given for the mass release of prisoners by U.S. cities and states. Social justice is a liberal progressive promoted political issue. Liberal progressives reside in the Democratic Party. I just point blame where it deserves to be pointed. Sorry that you can't handle that. Maybe you need to suck it up and be an adult.
  19. Just want to point out that the mayors of the largest U.S. cities started this policy long before coronavirus as part of their liberal progressive social justice ideology. Those mayors have since used the coronavirus as an excuse to increase and speed up the releases. Liberal governors of many states did the same thing.
  20. You are really stretching things to blame this policy on Barr. For the most part this has been done by liberals on the state and local level.
  21. How many of the remaining infected 482,033 are presently hospitalized?
  22. I didn't twist anything. That was just my way of illustrating that the 5.5% recovery figure is meaningless.
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