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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Someone on here said Trump was lying when he said that the U.S. has conducted more covid-19 tests than any other nation. The latest stats from John Hopkins University show the U.S. has tested the most people at 5.4 million with Russia in second place with 2.8 million tests.
  2. Better check your "FACTS" a little more carefully. The date on the order is March 25, 2020, not April 25, 2020. So get your facts straight.
  3. AOC and other politicians keep saying that climate change models show that we only have 13 years or less to save our planet. Computer models could not even closely predict the death toll from the coronavirus in the U.S., so why should we have any faith in climate change computer models which attempt to predict decades into the future. Like the defenders of the covid-19 models keep saying, the models are only as accurate as the data fed into the model. How could anyone possibly know what all data to feed into a model to accurately predict what the climate will look like 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years from now. But we are suppose to immediately make radical changes to our economies and ways of life based upon these model predictions?
  4. The original Flat Earthers were group thinkers like you. It was the objective observers and free thinking individuals who determined that the earth was a sphere. You've shown me no facts, just explanations for why the models' numbers were wrong. Regardless of the reasons, the fact is that the original number was no where close to reality. That number caused panic in the American people and influenced the medical and economic decisions that were made.
  5. There was no "advisory" issued on March 24th, there was a legal order issued by the New York Dept of Health requiring nursing homes to accept covid-19 infected individuals. As for the advisory issued yesterday, I have no idea what that was about. In fact, I can't even make sense out of your last sentence.
  6. #1) I trust Kkru394 to be more unbiased and truthful than you. #2) I saw Dr.Birx in an interview last night with Jessie Waters basically confirming what Kkru394 said about the news conference..
  7. It is laughable to hear someone as biased as you to complain about someone else being biased. You are the one who has no ability to think for himself. All you do is keep deferring to the opinions of so called experts. Maybe the experts are not so expert. How can people who predicted 240,000 deaths when the real number will most likely be 60,000 or less still be considered to be experts? Your thinking ability is the product of a group think society. I have yet to see you present an original idea.
  8. "Relevant press convergence," what the fuck does that mean? I watched the conferences in full when they were happening, so I don't need interpretations from the news media.
  9. No, the 240,000 figure was based upon a model that included the policies put forward by Dr.Fauci and Dr. Birx. If we did nothing to mitigate the virus spread, the first model from the UK said 2.2 million would die in the U.S.
  10. Yeah, global solidarity means the U.S. pays for everything. You socialists need us capitalists to pay all your bills.
  11. Again, a big to do about nothing. I'm more concerned about Gov. Andrew Cuomo's NY health dept. on March 24 issuing an order to New York nursing homes requiring them to readmit covid-19 positive residents to the homes, and that nursing homes could not refuse to accept new residents who were covid-19 positive. Now the idiot governor wants an investigation of why there were so many covid-19 deaths in New York nursing homes.
  12. Don't confuse these people with facts. You'll destroy their Trump hating narrative. From what I've heard after the fact, it appears the news media again attempted to make a big to do about nothing.
  13. When a model predicts 240,000 deaths and medical and economic policy decisions are made based upon that number, but the real number turns out to be less than 60,000; in practical terms that model was not only worthless it may have led to detrimental consequences. All you are doing is making excuses for a failed model. Bottom line: their original prediction was way wrong.
  14. But you never fail to criticize Trump's past actions. That's not being very consistent.
  15. Don't know, I didn't watch the news conference that day. To me it all sounds like a big to do about nothing. I'm more concerned about China and the World Health Organization not giving much more advanced and accurate warning to the world about the coronavirus. Their failure to do so most likely caused many more deaths.
  16. You didn't have a problem with "going off subject" when you decided to criticize me.
  17. Apparently, a large portion of the California population has already been infected and recovered from the coronavirus. Appears the virus has been on the West Coast for much longer than what officials previously thought.
  18. No, the job of the news media is to present unbiased factual news. Interpretation of events and opinions is the the job of op-ed writers in newspapers and opinion commentators on tv, not news reporters. In very many instances today news is not reported on, it is created by so called "news reporters". Journalism schools in America fucked up when they decided a news reporter's job was "to make a difference in the world" rather than to just factually report the news.
  19. Other presidents would have held China accountable? Barack Obama gave China $3.7 million for the lab in Wuhan that the virus most likely came from.
  20. Only pro-Trump comments are disallowed. Moose and Stncld have no problem with anti-Trump comments being posted here.
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