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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I agree. And when Putin attempts to dominate you, I hope the US leaves you to your own defense.
  2. Calling me a worm is not an insult? Not only are you an idiot, but you are also hypocritical.
  3. You are an idiot. But I agree that the U.S. needs to get the hell out of Europe and allow you fools to be dominated by Putin. It seems that Europeans never learn anything from the past.
  4. @trump45sucks Keeps saying Americans should be willing to pay more in taxes to pay for all the Democrats' social programs, but is not willing to tell us how much he paid in income tax last year. It's easy to be in favor of higher taxes when you have no skin in the game. Come on, Mr. Phony, tell us how much you paid in income tax last year.
  5. Napolitano is a new never-Trumper who lost any credibility long ago. He is still pissed at Trump because the president did not appoint him to the Supreme Court. I consider him to be just another part of the Washington DC swamp.
  6. You are part of the proof. You are a government freeloader, that's why you have never told us how much you paid in income tax last year. You want the U.S. government to totally support you because you are too incompetent and lazy to support yourself. Or the other option is that you are a Russian agent. Although, I think you are too dumb to be a Russian agent.
  7. No, actually you are in my toilet and I'm about to flush you. I can't believe a simple minded idiot like you actually believes he is intelligent. My cat is smarter than you.
  8. Upset that Trump is making the freeloading governments of Europe pay their fair share to support NATO? If you are a supporter of Iran and North Korea you are an idiot.
  9. At least Trump supporters work and pay taxes which is more than a little freeloader like you can say.
  10. If Trump wants to go to war why did he fire the war monger John Bolton?
  11. But that is not his hand. That is the hand of the girl in purple. Also, the hand is not on Trump's daughter. It is on the side of the girl in purple. Other girls in the photo are posing with their hands in the same manner.
  12. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi's losing her position as Speaker of the House was worth the asterisk by President Trump's name for impeachment?
  13. But Nancy doesn't hate anyone. Also, Nancy never ever tells the truth either. LMAO
  14. I don't have a party. I've been a registered independent my whole voting life. The Democratic Party had a reputation of being for working people, and since my family was working class I originally had positive feelings for their party. But time has taught me that their concern for working people was not real, just as their concerns for minorities is not real. It is just a ploy to get votes. The Democrats do nothing for either group. Right now the Democratic Party believes in hardly anything I believe in.
  15. Give us a little more time. Hillary Clinton was not fit to be president, regardless of whether she was a man or a woman. She was morally and ethically unfit.
  16. They were still Democrats. And the Republican vote in the Senate was 30 for and 2 against with the Republican vote in the House being 62 for and 23 against.
  17. You didn't answer my question. I don't think your country is as non-racist as you hold yourself out to be.
  18. You do not have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. You know nothing about our Constitution. Both articles of impeachment were unconstitutional. There is no such crime as abuse of power and the president claiming executive privilege is not obstruction of Congress. Rather than getting rid of checks and balances, Trump actually protected the checks and balances of the U.S. Constitution by exercising executive privilege. If the Democrats wanted to force Trump to provide witnesses and documents they needed to subpoena them, and then go to the Judicial branch to have the courts enforce the subpoena. That's how the checks and balances system works. When there is a dispute between the Executive and Legislative branch the Judicial branch resolves the dispute.
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